Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can a small business dispose of small amounts of hazardous waste?

Small businesses that do not regularly generate Hazardous Waste,may be able to participate in the Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CESQG) program operated by the City of Los Angeles. This program is available to all small businesses within Los Angeles County. Information regarding the CESQG is available from the link below or via telephone. Participation is by appointment only. For more information or to register for the program, please call the City of Los Angeles at (213) 485-2260 or 1-800-98-TOXIC (800-988-6942). A disposal fee will be charged based upon the type and amount of waste.

  Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator (CES
HHW, small business, hazardous waste, Small Quantity, Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator