Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I need to dispose of used cooking oil and grease. Where does it go?

We commend you for your interest in helping to provide a safer and cleaner environment.

Although the City and the County of Los Angeles have programs for collecting and managing Household Hazardous Waste, used cooking oil is not a hazardous waste and therefore isn't collected at the County's weekly collection events or through any permanent sites developed for this purpose.

Although technically it is legal for you to dispose of this waste in the trash in a suitable container, this material can be put to better use. Instead, we recommend residents take these products to a local cooking oil and grease recycler. You can find a list of such recyclers and their contact information via our SmartBusiness recycling locator, via the link provided below. You can contact these recyclers directly to inquire as to their requirements for accepting this material. Another option is to call a local restaurant and inquire if they would take your waste cooking oil and recycle it along with theirs. If it is a small quantity it may not cost them any additional money.

  Smart Business Recycling - Find a Recycler
cooking oil, grease