Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I manage two buildings for ACLA that are in the unincorporated area of Los Angeles. One is at 14102 S. Broadway and the other is 240 W. 134th Street. There is a huge overnight parking problem in this area. Dozens of people living in their cars and RVs. This causes problems with waste of all kinds including human waste, piles of garbage bags, needles etc.There is no signage that tells the owners of these vehicles that they are not allowed to park there...AND they are not allowed to live there. This affects my business and my clients on a daily basis. Please put signage on this street to make overnight parking illegal for all cars and RVs. Thank you in advance for your help with this matter.

Thank you for contacting the Department of Public Works.

Your inquiry falls under the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Please report the issue to Public Health by calling: (888) 700-9995.

RVs waste EPD Environmental Hazardous Underground Tank Regulation Waste Discharge Quality Monitoring Industrial Garbage Disposals Composting Gardening bins Recycle recycling trash health collection batteries battery gardens landfills dumping gas SUSMP refuse oil tires HHW e-waste yard worm methane junk reuse exchange ust ugt earth vermiculture sanitation recipes green grasscycle school gdd ambiental peligroso regulacion subterrinea tanque desecho calidad descargue disposicion basura abono organico jardineria reciclar reciclaje salud coleccion baterias jardines relleno sanitario tirar descargar aceite llantas electronico yarda gusano metano trastos reusar intercambiar tierra vermicultura saneamiento recetas verde pasto escuela