Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

To Whom It May Concern:
We are currently undergoing a remodel and have caught the painter dumping water/paint in our yard. We have asked him not to do this and have recently discovered he is dumping it in the neighbor's yard. We have told the general contractor about it repeatedly but he ignores our concerns. Now our orange tree leaves are curling up. We are at a loss as to what to do about it. We have told the contractor that we do not want the painter (who is not licensed) working on our property but, again, the contractor ignores us. We feel it is very serious and worry about the environmental impact of this. Lately, he has been dumping watered paint into the parkway between the sidewalk and the street. What can we do about this?
A quick reply would be greatly appreciated,
Fred and Kelly McCullen

Call (888)CleanLA to report illegal dumping into the County's Storm Drain System.