Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do these .shp's mean under "Soils 2004"? I'm looking for Hydrological classification (A,B, C, or D) and there is no information shown here....just a numerical ID for each boundary.

The soils shape file represents the spatial delineation of the various soil types in Los Angeles County. The soil numbers are indicated by the "CLASS" field and are to be used in accordance with the 2006 Hydrology Manual which clearly describes the application of the soil numbers as it applies to our hydrologic method. There are runoff coefficient curves in the manual for each of the soil types. For more information on Los Angeles County's hydrologic methodology, please refer to our 2006 Hydrology Manual which is available at the following link.

There is no relationship between the Los Angeles County soils and Hydrological Classification's A, B, C, or D.

  2006 Hydrology Manual
hydrology, soils WRD SWE hydrology sedimentation hydraulic hydrological wells groundwater rainfall conservation depth precipitation alert gauges stormwater engineering