Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Does the Public Works manage auctions on foreclosed properties? On the Public Works site, how is the real property obtained by Public Works for the auction?

Los Angeles County Public Works do not handle foreclosed properties. The Los Angeles County Treasurer and Tax Collector handles auctions related to tax defaulted properties. They can be contacted at 372 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012, Tel. 213-947-2045.

The properties listed on our Public Works website were acquired as result of various Public Works projects. The properties listed have since been determined to be excess to the needs of the Department.

Surplus properties are sold by way of public auction, include those that are independently developable or those that are required to be sold by way of public auction by matter of Government Code. The list of properties on our website all fall under that category.

As soon as an auction is scheduled you will be notified. You will receive at least 30 days notice prior to the date of the scheduled auction. Additional information, including required minimum bid amount, will be available once an auction is scheduled. Minimum bids are based upon appraised value.
