Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is there a site where I can get an email alert for traffic congestion?

Currently, Public Works hosts a web site that provides users with real-time information on road conditions, incidents, and travel times throughout the Southern California freeway network. This traffic map can be accessed at

Public Works is also conducting beta testing of a personalized e-mail/text messaging service that provides users with real-time information on their specific routes along the Southern California freeway network and customized travel time, incident, and route comparison reports. Users can participate in the test group by establishing a subscription at

Lastly, Public Works is conducting beta testing of a phone service that provides users with real-time information on road conditions, incidents, and travel times throughout the Southern California freeway network. It can be accessed toll free at (888) TRIP-411 or (888) 874-7411.

In addition to these traveler information services provided by Public Works, we are aware of one private sector provider of traveler information ( which allows users to receive personalized traffic reports via e-mail.

Traffic Congestion