Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who can appeal a traffic control request to the Highway Safety Commission?

- Any individual who has had a school-related traffic control request denied by DPW the first time.

(A school-related traffic control request is defined as one which involves a location within a school zone or is generated from a school official and is related to school pupil safety within a quarter mile radius of the school zone.)

- Any school that has had a crossing guard request denied by DPW the first time.

- Any community group that has had a traffic control request denied by DPW the first time.

(A community group is to be defined as any organized group such as a homeowners association, chamber of commerce, town council, or any two or more persons who jointly make a traffic safety request and reside in the area affected by the request.)

- Any individual who has any other type of traffic control request denied by DPW the first time, providing the HSC has advised that this request should be heard.