Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What information should I bring to the public counter in order to obtain industrial waste clearance?

Please see instructions for obtaining industrial waste permit clearance at the link below. As requirements are constantly changing, the most relevant and useful information can be found on the program website.

  Instructions for Obtaining Clearance
industrial waste clearance, standard plan, permit, public counter, wastewater EPD Environmental Hazardous Underground Tank Regulation Waste Discharge Quality Monitoring Industrial Garbage Disposals Composting Gardening bins Recycle recycling trash health collection batteries battery gardens landfills dumping gas SUSMP refuse oil tires HHW e-waste yard worm methane junk reuse exchange ust ugt earth vermiculture sanitation recipes green grasscycle school gdd ambiental peligroso regulacion subterrinea tanque desecho calidad descargue disposicion basura abono organico jardineria reciclar reciclaje salud coleccion baterias jardines relleno sanitario tirar descargar aceite llantas electronico yarda gusano metano trastos reusar intercambiar tierra vermicultura saneamiento recetas verde pasto escuela