Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am the property owner of 13714 Valley Blvd. La Puente part of unincorporated LA County(APN: 8112-007-068). My tenant rented my property and has started a pallet recycling business. Recently, I got a citation from County Regional Planning for violation of zoning code. My property is currently in C-1 zone. Many properties near mine are in M-1 zone. My tenant collects broken wooden shipping pallets from surrounding businesses, repairs the pallets, then sales the pallets. I think his business fits the principle of material recycling and waste reduction. I am wondering if you can help us to bring his business into compliance. Please let me know whether you can help or not. Thank you.
Chiu-Chi Chen

Dear Mr. Chen,
Thank you for your question regarding recycling and Regional Planning. Your tenant's pallet recycling company does fit the principle of waste reduction. However, your tenant is manufacturing items on property zoned for "commercial services, retail sales of new goods and genuine antiques." Since your tenant's business does not fit any of these definitions, it appears to be a clear violation of the zoning code. As such, there is nothing we can do as this is a matter between you, your tenant, and Regional Planning. Should you decide to request a zone change from C-1 to M-1, then we may be able to provide very limited assistance. If you have further questions, please contact Mr. David Coscia at (626) 458-3523 Monday through Thursday from 7 am to 5 pm.

recycling, Regional Planning, zone change