Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am considering purchasing property at this location. I need to know what is required to hook up to county water. What are the permit & connection fees? What size water main? What else do I need to know for this project?

There are a number of requirements to obtain water service connections to one of our Los Angeles County Waterworks Districts. To receive service the property needs to be located within the boundaries of one of the Waterworks Districts. We have five Districts which are located at or near Malibu, Marina Del Rey, Kagel Canyon, Val Verde, Acton, Lancaster, Palmdale, and other parts of the Antelope Valley. If your property is not within our district boundaries, it may be within the jurisdiction of another water purveyor and you should contact them for more information. (Usually the closest city or town hall to your property will have this type of information. There are over 200 water purveyors in Los Angeles County.) If the property is very close to one of our Waterworks Districts but not located within District boundaries, it may be necessary to annex the property into our district prior to receiving service.

Once it is determined that the property is located within one of our Districts, the first step will be to fill out a meter application. The fees will vary depending on the size of the meter, property size, frontage dimension, and required fire flow protection and are best determined on a case by case basis. Any party wanting new service will be responsible for all capital improvements needed to provide a service connection to their property. Improvements could include construction of new water mains, and/or construction of additional water storage facilities at existing District property sites, and/or acquisition of new property along with construction of new storage facilities. It should be noted that all improvements need to meet Fire Department and Waterworks Districts Standards and will have to be entirely funded by the owner/developer.

If you believe that your property for which you would like a connection is located at or near one of our Waterworks Districts, please contact either our main office or closest field office to obtain further information.

Finally, the District will need to determine if there is sufficient additional water supplies available to serve the new property. If not, the builder/developer may need to secure additional water supply entitlements through the appropriate water supply wholesaler.

WWD potable waterline drinking water rate bills billing waterworks payment MyWAM customer registration meter leak service consumption reconnection water