Upper Santa Clara River Watershed
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan


Memorandum of Understanding

The purpose of this document is to establish the mutual understandings of Los Angeles Flood Control District, Castaic Lake Water Agency, Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation Distirct, City of Santa Clarita, Newhall County Water District, Santa Clarita Water Division and the Valencia Water Company, with respect to their joint efforts towards developing the Upper Santa Clara Region which will increase regional coordination, collaboration and communication and help in obtaining funding for water-related projects.

You are welcome and encouraged to adopt this MOU, or write a letter of support. Please notify Menerva Ariki (MARIKI@dpw.lacounty.gov) or Youssef Chebabi (YCHEBABI@dpw.lacounty.gov) if you are interested in adopting the MOU.