RFB-IS-25200666 - 332062 TRUCK, DRILL RIG (EMISSIONS) ITEM # 25-730R AMD#2 |
RFB-IS-25200666 - 332062 TRUCK, DRILL RIG (EMISSIONS) ITEM # 25-730R AMD#2
2/4/2025 |
2/18/2025 |
2/12/2025 |
2/26/2025 |
2/12/2025 |
2/27/2025 |
FCC0001388 - Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II |
Pump station rehabilitation
FCC0001388 - Naples Island Pump Stations Rehabilitation - Phase II
2/4/2025 |
3/25/2025 |
FCC0001393 - Dominguez Pump Station Rehabilitation |
Pump Station Upgrade
FCC0001393 - Dominguez Pump Station Rehabilitation
2/4/2025 |
3/18/2025 |
FCC0001404 - Bradbury Channel Soffit Repair Phase II |
Underground storm drain repair
FCC0001404 - Bradbury Channel Soffit Repair Phase II
(Addendum Count: 2)
1/7/2025 |
2/18/2025 |
RDC0016013 - Metro Gold Line Eastside Access Phase II Calvary Cemetery Pedestrian Path |
Walking Path
RDC0016013 - Metro Gold Line Eastside Access Phase II Calvary Cemetery Pedestrian Path
2/11/2025 |
3/11/2025 |
RMDJOC6782 - RMDJOC6782 Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), South Los Angeles County |
Pavement Reconstruction
RMDJOC6782 - RMDJOC6782 Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), South Los Angeles County
1/21/2025 |
2/25/2025 |
BRC0000582 - Camp Glenn Rockey Security Upgrades Project |
The proposed Scope of Work for this project includes multiple enhancements to existing security infrastructure, including installation of a new security booth approximately 8-feet by 6-feet and one camera post, which would augment video monitoring of activities in the parking lot; installation of a new speed bump at the driveway entry; the addition of code compliant accessible path of travel to the facility entrance; installation of a new backup generator with a 24-hour fuel tank; replacement of existing manual transfer switch with an automatic transfer switch; and the addition of an annunciator panel and appurtenant electrical upgrades at the pump house. The generator would provide supplemental backup power to support uninterrupted flow of water to the facility. Additionally, the existing nonnative trees that are required to be removed would be replaced with live oak trees at the pump house location.
BRC0000582 - Camp Glenn Rockey Security Upgrades Project
Bids may be submitted electronically using BidExpress
2/4/2025 |
3/19/2025 |
BRC0000580 - Barry J. Nidorf Secure Youth Track Facility Security and Kitchen Upgrades Project |
The Scope of Work includes the installation of a netting system above the west, north, and east perimeter walls. It will add an additional 12 feet to the height of the perimeter walls to deter contraband from being thrown over the facility wall. The proposed project also includes two new fan coil units and a rooftop condensing unit to cool the dry food storage room adjacent to the facility's kitchen.
Public Works will hold a single pre-bid conference meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 10 a.m. at project site location, 16350 Filbert Street, Sylmar 91342. This meeting will provide information on the project, bidding process, and answer any questions from potential bidders.
BRC0000580 - Barry J. Nidorf Secure Youth Track Facility Security and Kitchen Upgrades Project
Bids may be submitted electronically using BidExpress
2/4/2025 |
3/4/2025 |
BRC0000569 - Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program Generator Building Retrofit Project Component |
The Generator Building Retrofit Project at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center involves the replacement and modernization of the existing generator switchgear and associated electrical infrastructure to ensure reliable emergency power distribution for the new Inpatient Tower (IPT) and Central Utility Plant (CUP). The project is a multi-increment, multi-phase HCAI-regulated construction effort, requiring careful shutdown coordination, phased implementation, and compliance with incremental Temporary Interim Occupancy (TIO) approvals. Scope includes, but limited to, installation of new 12kV switchgear, conduit and ductbank infrastructure, seismic upgrades, and system commissioning, with stringent requirements for continuity of hospital operations, impact mitigation, and regulatory compliance. The 12KV Switchgear and associated SEL relays and controllers as noted on the drawings are Owner Furnished-Contractor Installed. The project also includes the installation of two new fuel tanks to meet the HCAI NPC-5 requirements.
BRC0000569 - Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Replacement Program Generator Building Retrofit Project Component
(Addendum Count: 2)
2/13/2025 |
3/31/2025 |
BRC0000557 - Design-Build Services for the Los Angeles County Care Community on the Metropolitan State Hospital Campus |
The County of Los Angeles Public Works is inviting Design-Build proposals from interested firms to perform the design, construction, and warranty maintenance for the Los Angeles County Care Community on the Metropolitan State Hospital Campus located at 11401 Bloomfield Avenue, Norwalk, CA 90650. A pre-submittal virtual conference to answer questions concerning the project will be held on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at 10:30 a.m., via Microsoft Teams. Subconsultants are not required to attend. Those who wish to attend must click the link that will be posted on the Public Works website for BRC0000557 to join. Public Works recommends attendees are registered on Public Works website at least 1 hour prior to the conference. The link for the virtual conference and the link to the sign-in sheet will be posted below on the day of the meeting. Proposers must submit questions in writing and request information for this solicitation by 14 calendar days prior to the submittal deadline.
BRC0000557 - Design-Build Services for the Los Angeles County Care Community on the Metropolitan State Hospital Campus
(Addendum Count: 2)
1/2/2025 |
2/20/2025 |
BRC0000537 - Construction Manager at Risk for the Medical Examiner Administration/Investigations Building and Service Building Seismic Retrofit Projects |
The Los Angeles County Public Works is requesting Construction Manager at Risk proposals from interested firms for pre-construction and construction services for the Medical Examiner Administration/Investigations Building and Service Building Seismic Retrofit Projects located at 1102 & 1104A North Mission Road, Los Angeles, CA 90033. A pre-proposal virtual conference to answer questions concerning the project will be held on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 10:00 a.m., via Microsoft Teams. Subconsultants are not required to attend. Those who wish to attend must click the link that will be posted on the Public Works website for BRC0000537 to join. Public Works recommends attendees are registered on Public Works website at least 1 hour prior to the conference. The link for the virtual conference and the link to the sign-in sheet will be posted below on the day of the meeting. County will conduct a mandatory site visit on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 1 p.m., at the project site to provide information regarding the project. Prime proposers must attend.
Proposers must submit questions in writing and request information for this solicitation by 14 calendar days prior to the submittal deadline.
BRC0000537 - Construction Manager at Risk for the Medical Examiner Administration/Investigations Building and Service Building Seismic Retrofit Projects
(Addendum Count: 1)
1/13/2025 |
4/14/2025 |
BRC0000535 - On-Call Vision Zero Transportation Planning and Engineering Services for Federally Funded and Non-Federally Funded Projects |
Los Angeles County Public Works is requesting proposals from qualified firms to provide On-Call Vision Zero Transportation Planning and Engineering Services for various projects throughout the Los Angeles County.
BRC0000535 - On-Call Vision Zero Transportation Planning and Engineering Services for Federally Funded and Non-Federally Funded Projects
Bids may be submitted electronically using BidExpress
1/22/2025 |
2/26/2025 |
BRC0000578 - Customer Information System (CIS) and Related Services |
BRC0000578 - Customer Information System (CIS) and Related Services
Bids may be submitted electronically using BidExpress
2/12/2025 |
3/11/2025 |
BRC0000556 - Leadership Academy Training Services Program |
BRC0000556 - Leadership Academy Training Services Program
(Addendum Count: 1)
10/1/2024 |
BRC0000540 - Maintenance Program for Nonadvertising Bus Stop Amenities - South County - East Region and South and West Regions |
BRC0000540 - Maintenance Program for Nonadvertising Bus Stop Amenities - South County - East Region and South and West Regions
2/11/2025 |
3/11/2025 |
BRC0000532 - On-Call Inspections, Maintenance, Repair, and Certification of Airport Traffic Control Tower Equipment and Automated Weather Observation Systems at Various County of Los Angeles Airports |
BRC0000532 - On-Call Inspections, Maintenance, Repair, and Certification of Airport Traffic Control Tower Equipment and Automated Weather Observation Systems at Various County of Los Angeles Airports
1/23/2025 |
2/19/2025 |
BRC0000527 - Security Services for Various County Airport Facilities |
BRC0000527 - Security Services for Various County Airport Facilities
(Addendum Count: 1)
1/23/2025 |
2/24/2025 |
BRC0000251 - On-Call Charter Bus Transportation Services Program |
BRC0000251 - On-Call Charter Bus Transportation Services Program
(Addendum Count: 1)
11/23/2021 |
BRC0000209 - On-Call Vehicle and Equipment Repair and Towing Services Program |
BRC0000209 - On-Call Vehicle and Equipment Repair and Towing Services Program
4/26/2021 |
2016-SQPA001 - RFSQ for Fixed Route and Dial-A-Ride Transit Services |
2016-SQPA001 - RFSQ for Fixed Route and Dial-A-Ride Transit Services
(Addendum Count: 7)
5/2/2016 |
2014-SQPA001 - RFSQ for Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Services |
2014-SQPA001 - RFSQ for Landscape and Grounds Maintenance Services
(Addendum Count: 8)
12/4/2014 |
2015-SQPA002 - RFSQ for Graffiti Removal Services |
2015-SQPA002 - RFSQ for Graffiti Removal Services
(Addendum Count: 9)
2/23/2015 |
2015-SQPA004 - RFSQ for Street Sweeping Services |
2015-SQPA004 - RFSQ for Street Sweeping Services
(Addendum Count: 2)
3/19/2015 |