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The Public Works Mutual Aid Agreement (PWMAA) was established in October 1989 as a means for public works agencies to receive
mutual aid quickly following a catastrophic disaster, such as a large earthquake. It is voluntary and participating agencies
are under no obligation to provide or deplete their own resources. The PWMAA was modeled on the fire and law
mutual aid systems with the notable exception that the PWMAA requires a local emergency proclamation and the requesting
jurisdiction pays for any assistance.
Currently there are 20 counties, 157 cities and 4 special districts that are signatories to the agreement. Jurisdictions that have received PWMAA assistance
can request reimbursement from the State and Federal Government, if the Governor or President declares a disaster. The PWMAA has
been successfully used in response to past disasters.
This website is a resource for participating agencies.
If your agency is not currently participating, all signatories encourage you to join. For more information, please click the
Becoming a Member Agency link located in the left-hand column.
Thank you.