Who We Are

Generation Earth is a Los Angeles County environmental education program presented by TreePeople.

What We Do

At Generation Earth, our goal is to educate and inspire middle and high school youth to be an active part of the solution to the environmental concerns in their communities.

What We Offer

Generation Earth offers free resources and support for environmental service learning projects. We work with six through twelfth grade students and teachers across Los Angeles County.

Environmental Experts

Our coordinators can give presentations, guide activities, and support projects.

Book an Expert

Learn from our experts about waste and water issues and the power of environmental service learning.

Learn More

Download our toolkits and project guides, and explore other environmental education resources.

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Bus Transportation

LA County middle and high school teachers qualify for a free bus for a Generation Earth field trip.

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Project Highlights 2024

Jill Aller is an all-star Biology and Environmental Studies teacher who went above and beyond to incorporate environmental service learning at Los Angeles High School of the Arts in her role as Eco-Club advisor. LAHSA's “Tree Troopers” Eco-Club members collaborated with multiple after school clubs and two local environmental organizations, TreePeople and Heal the Bay, to introduce new initiatives to their school and community aimed at keeping the environment clean and healthy. TreePeople's Generation Earth program worked with LAHSA on an ongoing recycling project where students (guided by Senior Youth Leadership Coordinator Sebastian Morales) distributed recycling bins donated by Generation Earth to collect recyclables across classrooms. The students then furthered their environmental stewardship by completing both a community and beach clean-up alongside Generation Earth and Heal the Bay, a Los Angeles coastal restoration nonprofit. Through incorporating LAHSA values, such as citizenship, communication, and collaboration, the “Tree Troopers” and their fellow peers felt inspired and empowered by the difference that their positive actions made.

Special thanks to Kyle and Martha, Eco-Club Officers, and Ms. Aller, Eco-Club Advisor, for providing a summary of their recent environmental projects.

Interested in planning a similar project for your students? Click the link below.

Book an Expert


Tyler Kenney's AP Environmental Science class at Alliance Leichtman Levine Environmental Science High School joined Generation Earth for a presentation, project, and field trip on water conservation and recycling. Here's what a few students had to say about the experience:

Generation Earth helped me understand why the LA River was channelized through a fun and interactive process. We got to visit the beach for a field trip and had the opportunity to help the environment by picking up trash that was left behind. After the beach cleanup, we went to the Hyperion Water Treatment Plant which opened my eyes to the amount of water lost in LA! Thank you to Tree People for giving me the opportunity to experience this wonderful trip

  • Valeria

I learned that plastics will decompose and create micro plastics that can contaminate waterways. I really enjoyed being able to clean up the beach and hang out with some friends while doing so. I also saw a beached ship which was pretty cool but crazy. A memorable moment at the Hyperion Water Treatment was that I learned of a possible career path that pays well. Thank you for the great opportunities that you have given us and thank you for the amazing field trip you planned for us.

  • Julian

Something I learned about LA water from the project is that we get our water from the Colorado river. While volunteering at the beach, I was able to witness the damage we do to the earth- I saw fog pollution over the sand that stretches miles and miles miles away. A memorable moment at the Hyperion Water Treatment Plant was seeing the labs that ensure water is recycled correctly and safely for people to consume again. I would like to thank Trisha and TreePeople for giving me this experience and the chance to gain new knowledge.

  • Grace








Upcoming Workshops

Check back in the fall for upcoming dates. Visit the workshops page for more information

Contact Us

Whether you have questions about the program, want to sign up for a workhop or would like to be connected with a Generation Earth project specialist, let's connect!

Phone: (626) 979-5492

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