Garbage Disposal Districts (GDD) are areas within the unincorporated County of Los Angeles where garbage collection and disposal services are provided

to residents and businesses by private waste haulers who contract with the Los Angeles County Public Works. GDD services include collection
of refuse, recyclables, and green waste from their respective carts or dumpsters, as well as, unlimited collection of bulky items and electronic waste, upon request,
at no additional charge.
Organic Waste Collection Service is coming soon to the County unincorporated communities!
Organic Waste is material that comes from living organisms such as, but not limited to, food, food scraps, food soiled paper, paper products, yard or green waste, wood, manure, and organic textiles like cotton.
On November 16, 2021, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the
Mandatory Organic Waste Disposal Reduction Ordinance.
The Ordinance ensures everyone does their part in diverting organic waste and edible food from landfills to reduce emissions of methane and the impacts on climate change.
The Ordinance is also required per State Senate Bill 1383 regulations.
The Ordinance requires all businesses and residents in the County unincorporated communities to subscribe to organic waste collection services.
Self-hauling is also allowed under certain circumstances.
Stay tuned for updates!

Businesses, apartments, and multi-unit dwellings may choose to receive dumpsters
or multiple sets of containers, in appropriate sizes and quantities, based on their
property use classification. They are also entitled to a FREE recycling and/or green waste container. Please call your waste hauler to arrange for dumpster service.
For any other inquiries please contact L.A. County Public Works, Garbage
Disposal District Hotline at (800) 404-4487