Organic Waste Recycling and Edible Food Recovery Capacity Planning

Welcome to the Organic Waste Recycling and Edible Food Recovery Capacity Planning Website for Los Angeles County Jurisdictions. Senate Bill 1383 Regulations require counties to submit to CalRecycle a set of information related to organic waste capacity and edible food recovery capacity planning. This website is intended to provide you, as the jurisdiction, the resources for meeting these requirements.

Approved SB 1383 Regulations Approved SB 1383 Regulations
Senate Bill 1383 Regulations

In September 2016, Governor Edmund Brown Jr. set methane emissions reduction targets for California (Senate Bill (SB) 1383 Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016) in a statewide effort to reduce emissions of short-lived climate pollutants. The targets must:

  • Reduce organic waste disposal 50% by 2020 and 75% by 2025.
  • Rescue for people to eat at least 20% of currently disposed surplus edible food by 2025.

These are statewide goals that California must collectively achieve, and not individual requirements. In other words, individual jurisdictions and individual food donors are not required to meet the organic waste disposal goals and 20 percent edible food recovery rate separately.

Senate Bill 619: Latest Information on SB 619 – “Notification of Intent to Comply with SB 1383 Regulations”

Schedule & Deadlines

There are currently no deadlines. The next jurisdictional data submittal will be in August 2029. This section will be updated closer to that time.

Based on SB 1383 regulations, the County will compile all data received and report to CalRecycle, on behalf of the jurisdictions, on the following dates:
August 1, 2022 for the planning period of January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024
August 1, 2024 for the planning period of January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2034
August 1, 2029 for the planning period of January 1, 2030 - December 31, 2039
August 1, 2034 for the planning period of January 1, 2035 - December 31, 2044


The following is a schedule of meetings for capacity planning purposes. Take a look at our Past Virtual Meetings page for more information
Past Meetings

April 6 & 22, 2021:     Kick-off Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
September 30, 2021:     Sustainability Summit - LA County CEO's Chief Sustainability Office (Recording)
October 28, 2021:     3rd Quarter 2021 Quarterly Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
December 2, 2021:     4th Quarter 2021 Quarterly Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
February 24, 2022:     1st Quarter 2022 Quarterly Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
June 2, 2022:     2nd Quarter 2022 Quarterly Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
August 23, 2022:     3rd Quarter 2022 Quarterly Meeting with Jurisdictions (Recording)
June 20, 2023:     1st Meeting with Jurisdictions for Second Round of Reporting (Recording)
February 27, 2024:     2nd Meeting with Jurisdictions for Second Round of Reporting (Recording)

Upcoming Meetings
None Scheduled


Map of Organic Waste Processing Facilities
Sample Survey Templates

Public Works, with the assistance of a consultant, conducted surveys of existing and proposed organic waste processing/recycling facilities that are known to the County throughout the Southern California region, in 2024. The results are shared in the Regional Organic Waste Capacity Assessment 2024 Report which was released in February 2025. (See next section for Regional Organic Waste Capacity Assessment 2024 Report). The report focuses on capturing the amount of “net available capacity”, which compares what each facility currently processes to the maximum they can process (in tons per day). This information is ideally collected from each facility by material type as well as processing type. If your jurisdiction would be interested in gathering your own information from facilities, here is a sample form that can be a starting point for your jurisdiction.

SB 1383 Regulations also require counties, in coordination with jurisdictions, to “consult with community composting operators to estimate the amount of organic waste the county, the jurisdictions and regional agencies located within the county, anticipate will be handled at community composting activities.” For this purpose, here is a sample form that can be a starting point for your jurisdiction.

Regional Organic Waste Capacity Assessment Report

To assist the jurisdictions within the County with identifying organic waste capacity that may be available to handle the waste generated by residents and businesses within their jurisdiction, Public Works, with the assistance of a consultant, conducted a regional organic waste capacity assessment. The regionwide survey was administered to approximately 200 existing, proposed/planned new, and planned expanded transfer/processing, composting, chipping and grinding, anaerobic digestion, and co-digestion facilities throughout the Southern California region. The focus of this Regional Organic Waste Capacity Assessment Report is to share the results of this survey. Although organic waste is defined by law to mean: food waste, green waste (leaves and grass), landscape and pruning waste, nonhazardous wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste that is mixed with food waste, for the purposes of this report, and to conform to the requirements of SB 1383, the following types of organic waste were included in the analysis: food waste, green waste, wood, paper, digestate, biosolids, and other organic materials. Please click on the image below to see a copy of the Regional Organic Waste Capacity Assessment 2024 Report.

Edible Food Recovery Capacity

During the 2024 edible food recovery capacity planning process, the County's Food Donation and Recovery Outreach Program (Food DROP) team took the lead and collaborated with the 88 cities in the County to survey approximately 1,000 food recovery organizations (FROs) and services (FRSs) throughout Los Angeles County. With the data collected from the survey responses of these food recovery agencies, as well as the tiered food generator lists submitted by the cities, the Food DROP team was able to assess, analyze, and determine that there was sufficient capacity for edible food recovery even with the increased amount of potentially donatable food from mandated food donors in LA County. Check out the Food DROP website for more information about food recovery agencies located throughout the county and additional resources related to edible food recovery.
Additional Resources

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions Page for more information on Organic Waste Recycling and Edible Food Recovery Capacity Planning.

Also, below are some additional resources from CalRecycle's various websites related to SB 1383.

Short-Lived Climate Pollutant Reduction Strategy Website: CalRecycle's website is a great reference that contains information about Senate Bill 1383 Regulations, the rulemaking process, as well as many great resources related to collection and recycling, capacity planning, food recovery, etc.
SB 1383 Education and Outreach Resources: This link has many great resources and tools to assist jurisdictions and educate local decision makers.
SB 1383 Capacity Planning: This CalRecycle page has excellent resources related to capacity planning for organic waste recycling and edible food recovery, including an Organic Waste Recycling Capacity Planning Calculator Tool and an Edible Food Recovery Capacity Planning Calculator Tool.
SB 1383 Food Recovery: To reduce food waste and help address food insecurity, SB 1383 requires that by 2025 California will recover 20 percent of edible food that would otherwise be sent to landfills, to feed people in need.
SB 619 Notification of Intent to Comply with SB 1383 Regulations: Check out this link for the latest information on submitting a Notification of Intent to Comply with SB 1383 Regulations to CalRecycle by March 1, 2022.