Temporary Food Pick-up Zone

Eligibility Criteria: Restaurants may request that Public Works designate temporary 15-minute time-limit parking zones along
the curb of public streets to encourage parking turnover where food pick-up is in demand. The curbside location must meet the
following criteria for a 15-minute time-limit designation:
• Located in an unincorporated County community and along a roadway maintained by the County
Check if the location is in an unincorporated County community
• Located in a commercial area or business district
• Located at least 15 feet from a fire hydrant
• Not currently marked or signed as a passenger or commercial loading, "No Stopping Anytime",
or an accessible parking zone
If the requested curbside parking zone is in front of another business, the applicant must submit written support
from that business. This written support may be in the form of a letter or email.
Parking Designation Expiration:September 30, 2020. However, the County may choose to extend this date based on the
County Health Officer Orders.
Reference Documents:
Guidelines -Temporary Food Pick-up Zone
Frequently Asked Questions -Temporary Food Pick-up Zone
Contact Information
Restaurant Name:*
Restaurant Address:*
Business Hours:*
Applicant Name:*
Applicant Email:*
Applicant Phone:*
Parking Zone Location and Number of Parking Stalls Requested
Describe specifically the location of the proposed zone and the number of spaces requested
Attach a photo of the location
Are there existing street sweeping or other parking restrictions on the street?*
If yes, attach a photo of existing parking signs.
Is the requested parking zone in front of another business?*
If yes, attach a pdf of an email or letter from that business demonstrating support.
I have read and agree to the Food Pick-up/Delivery Zone guidelines.*
I certify that I am authorized to enter into this agreement on behalf of the restaurant.*
Upon submission, Public Works will review your request and inform you of your application's status within 3 business days.
If you have questions regarding the program or the status of your application, please visit the FAQ
Learn more about the County's response to COVID-19, including resources to business and
residents, at https://covid19.lacounty.gov/
For Public Works Use Only
Assigned Date:
Applicant Informed of Approval/Denial Date:
Work Order Date:
Work Order Completion Date:
* Denotes required field.

Please don't change the next two fields.

Attach Document* :

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