The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District maintains 153 pump stations throughout the county and also operates and maintainsthree wastewater treatment plants in the Malibu area and one treatment plant at Lake Hughes in the North County area.
The Malibu Mesa Wastewater Reclamation Plant is a tertiary wastewater treatment plant. The capacity of the Plant is 200,000 gallons per day (gpd) of domestic wastewater. Treatment processes include comminution, activated sludge walker process, secondary clarification, coagulation, sand filtration, and ultraviolet disinfection. The reclaimed water is primarily used for irrigation on the campus of Pepperdine University.
The Malibu Water Pollution Control Plant is a secondary wastewater treatment facility. The capacity of the Plant is 51,000 gpd of domestic wastewater. Treatment processes include comminution, extended aeration biological treatment, secondary clarification, sand filtration, and chlorine disinfection. The treated wastewater is discharged into seepage pits for disposal.
The Trancas Water Pollution Control Plant is a secondary wastewater treatment facility. The capacity of the plant is 75,000 gpd of domestic wastewater. Treatment processes include comminution,extended aeration biological treatment with anoxic zone for denitrification,secondary clarification, sand filtration and chlorine disinfection. The treated wastewater is discharged into leach fields for disposal.
The Lake Hughes Community Wastewater Treatment Facility provides secondary treatment. The capacity of the treatment facility is 93,000 gpd of domestic wastewater. Treatment processes include comminution, extended aeration biological treatment using an oxidation ditch, secondary clarification, and chlorination. We provide Nitrification/Denitrification by cycling brush aerators on and off throughout the day to provide aerated conditions for nitrifying microorganisms. The treated wastewater is used for irrigation over an on-site disposal area.