Corner Record Road/Public Works Centerline County Engineer Centerline Eaton/Palisades GNSS Record
Horizontal Datum
The coordinates shown hereon were derived from Real Time Kinematic (RTK) surveying using two independent observations tied to four independent California Real Time Network
(CRTN) stations with baselines limited to 20km. Under optimal conditions, with a clear line of sight to the sky and minimal interference, RTK surveying tied to the CRTN network
can provide horizontal accuracy of up to 1 cm + 1 ppm (parts per million) and vertical accuracy of up to 2 cm + 1 ppm.
These values reflect the precision achievable in real-time with differential corrections broadcasted by the network.
The purpose of this survey is for Geographic Information Systems and Asset Inventory purposes and the relative horizontal accuracy of the coordinates shown hereon is such that
it complies with the accuracy classifications for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Asset Inventory as shown in the table for Network Applications in the Joint Publication
of the California Land Surveyors Association and California Spatial Reference Center GNSS Surveying Standards and
Specifications Version 1.1 dated December 10, 2014.
Record of Survey Parcel Map Tract Map Tentative Tract Map Tentative Parcel Map Highway Dedication Map LACA (AM Map) Official Map Patent Map CSB Map (in progress...) Benchmark
Baseline Quads
Mile Markers Public Works Field Book Grid
Address/Intersection Location Search
Document Search
(e.g. 3047020076, 129-018, 3047)
Centerline Note
(e.g. PWFB 1323-3268)
Corner Record
(e.g. PWFB 1323-2414)
(e.g. 3060031016, 045-051, 2815)
(e.g. 3024007900, 0005-143a, 38680, Athens)
(e.g. 3060031016, 5300)
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