The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Sustainable Building Sourcebook |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting, Web Site |
Comments | Contains contact list of additional vendors. |
2. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | RainSaver Systems |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@rainsaverUSA.com |
Contact Phone | 360-325-0289 |
Contact Address | 211-B Grover St., PO Box 281, Lynden, WA 98264 |
3. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Garden Watersaver |
Product/Service | Garden Watersaver System |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Dan Chapotelle |
Contact Email | watersaver@shaw.ca |
Contact Phone | 604-274-6630 |
Contact Address | 8260 Dalemore Road, Richmond B.C., Canada V7C 2A8 |
Comments | Currently available in the USA over the internet only. |
4. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Gardener's Supply Co. |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@gardeners.com |
Contact Phone | 888-833-1412 |
Contact Address | 128 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT 05401 |
5. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Pail International |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 604-585-PAIL |
Contact Address | 11277 91st. Ave., No. Delta, BC, Canada V4C 3J7 |
6. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Spruce Creek Company |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@sprucecreekrainsaver.com |
Contact Phone | 800-940-0187 |
Contact Address | PO Box 106, Warriors Mark, PA 16877 |
7. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Midwest Internet Sales |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 877-888-5609 |
8. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Drums, Inc. |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 813-241-4800 ext. 22 |
9. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | King County, Washington |
Product/Service | Rain Barrel Information and Sources |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting, Web Site |
Comments | Includes do-it-yourself instructions. |
10. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pacific Corrugated Pipe Co. |
Product/Service | Coated steel pipe |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Darwin Dizon, Regional Engineer |
Contact Email | darwin@pac-corr-pipe.com |
Contact Phone | 949-650-4555 |
Contact Address | PO Box 2450, Newport Beach, CA 92658 |
11. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Norwesco, Inc. |
Product/Service | Underground polyethylene cisterns |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@norwesco.com |
Contact Phone | 800-328-3420 |
Contact Address | PO Box 439, 4365 Steiner St., St. Monifacius, MN 55375 |
12. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hydrologic Solutions |
Product/Service | StormChamber |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 977-426-9128 |
13. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | StormTrap |
Product/Service | StormTrap |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Justin May |
Contact Email | jmay@stormtrap.com |
Contact Phone | 87-STORMTRAP |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 782, Morris, IL 60450 |
14. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Cultec, Inc. |
Product/Service | Underground polyethylene cisterns |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Jan Krancher, MS, REHS |
Contact Email | jkrancher@cultec.com |
Contact Phone | (559) 625-2085 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 4458, Visalia, CA 93277-4458 |
Comments | UPC and IAPMO approved. Installations in the cities of Santa Monica, Downey, Pacoima, San Pedro. |
15. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NSW, LLC. |
Product/Service | Strata Cube |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | netting@nswplastics.com |
Contact Phone | 800-368-3610 |
Contact Address | 530 Gregory Ave., Roanoke, VA 24016 |
Comments | Also manufactures Strata Tube |
16. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Oldcastle Precast, Inc. |
Product/Service | CUDO Underground polyethylene cisterns |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Xiaoyu Zhang, Territory Manager |
Contact Email | Xiaoyu.Zhang@oldcastle.com |
Contact Phone | 800-579-8819 |
Contact Address | 7100 Longe St., Suite 100, Stockton, CA 95206 |
Comments | System includes geotextile fabrics, plastic drainage cells, storage modules, cellular conduit, special soils. |
17. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Gutter Witch |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels, Downspout Diverters, Gutter Brooms |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Tony Thorn |
Contact Email | admin@watergain.co.nz |
Contact Phone | +64 9 271 3307 |
Contact Address | P.O.B. 58 371, Greenmount, Aucland, NZ |
18. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tank Depot |
Product/Service | Rain Barrells and Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Christopher Glen |
Contact Email | cglen@tank-depot.com |
Contact Phone | 631-587-1812 |
Contact Address | 441 Broadway, Ste. B, Babylon, NY 11704 |
19. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pioneer Water Tanks |
Product/Service | Water Storage Tanks |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Colin Chatfield |
Contact Email | colinc@pwtusa.com |
Contact Phone | 877-389-1099 |
Contact Address | 7910 Burleson Rd., Austin, TX 78744 |
20. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Loomis Tank Center |
Product/Service | Water Storage Tanks |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Dan Loomis |
Contact Email | dloomis@loomistank.com |
Contact Phone | 800-549-5514 |
Contact Address | P.O.B. 910, Arroyo Grande, CA 93412 |
21. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Harvesting |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Jason Kerrigan |
Contact Email | jason@rainharvesting.com |
Contact Phone | +61 7 3248 9600 |
Contact Address | 23-34 Reginald St., Rocklea, Queensland, Australia 4106 |
22. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Tube |
Product/Service | Rain Tube |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Steve Spratt |
Contact Email | sspratt@raintube.com |
Contact Phone | 866-724-6356 |
Contact Address | 215 S. 4th St., Jacksonville, OR 97530 |
23. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rainwater Collection Solutions, Inc. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Pillow |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Jim Harrington |
Contact Email | jim@rainwaterpillow.com |
Contact Phone | 770-853-9918 |
Contact Address | Alpharetta, GA |
Comments | Storage system includes filter, pump, remote control and all fittings |
24. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Reserve |
Product/Service | Rain Reserve Diverter Kit |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | CustomerCare@rainreserve.com |
Contact Phone | 608-316-6844 |
Contact Address | Madison, WI |
Comments | Web site will direct you to a local supplier of rain barrels, sold separately. |
25. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Chuck Steward |
Contact Email | chuck.stewart@jrsmith.com |
Contact Phone | 334-277-8520 |
Contact Address | P.O.B. 3237, Montgomery, Alabama 36109 |
26. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Bushman |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Valerie Beutler |
Contact Email | vbeutler@bushmanusa.com |
Contact Phone | 866-920-TANK |
Contact Address | 26040 Ynez Rd., Temecula, CA 92589 |
Comments | This vendor carries a rain barrel model pre-approved for installations in unincorporated L.A. County. |
27. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Roth Global Plastics, Inc. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | sales@roth-usa.com |
Contact Phone | 866-943-7256 |
Contact Address | P.O.B. 245, Syracuse, NY 13211 |
28. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Forest Lumber & Cooperage, Ltd. |
Product/Service | Cedar cisterns |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@sfconcrete.on.ca |
Contact Phone | 250-642-4899 |
Contact Address | 2810A Ramsden Rd., RR#2 Sooke BC V0S 1N0, Canada |
29. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tijeras Rain Barrels |
Product/Service | Rain Barrells |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@desertplastics-abq.com |
Contact Phone | 505-884-3889 |
Contact Address | 2401 A Phoenix NE, Albuquerque, NM 87107 |
Comments | Also offers decorative rain chains. |
30. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Xerxes, Corp. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Tanks |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Stephanie Rodriguez |
Contact Email | stephanier@sunbelt-reps.com |
Contact Phone | 714-289-8182 |
Contact Address | 1748 W. Katella Ave., Suite 102, Orange, CA 92867 |
31. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Snyder Industires, Inc. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Tanks |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | info@snydernet.com |
Contact Phone | 870-358-3400 |
Contact Address | P.O.B. 4583, Lincoln, NE |
32. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Texas A&M Extension |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
33. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Rainwater Catchment Systems Assoc. |
Product/Service | Professional Organization |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
34. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hey, Tanks L.A. |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels, Cisterns, and Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | sales@HeyTanksLA.com |
Contact Phone | 877-64 TANKS |
Comments | This vendor carries a rain barrel model pre-approved for installations in unincorporated L.A. County. Vendor is accredited by the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Assoc. |
35. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | California Rainwater Conservation Systems |
Product/Service | Rain Barrells and Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 415-454-2816 |
36. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | RainwaterHOG |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 888-700-1096 |
Comments | Rectangular shape, modular. Installation in Oakland, CA. |
37. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | City of Los Angeles |
Product/Service | Rain Barrel Installation Pilot Program |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Comments | Web site includes a homeowner's how-to guide and links to a newsletter and social networking media. |
38. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Barrels and More |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | redmon@sigecom.net |
Contact Phone | 877-888-5609 |
39. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rain Barrel USA |
Product/Service | Rain Barrells and Supplies |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Email | savewater@rainbarrelusa.com |
Contact Phone | 704-843-1581 |
40. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Four Water, LLC |
Product/Service | RainTainer |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Address | Lexington, KY |
41. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | EcoRain Systems, Inc. |
Product/Service | EcoRain Tank |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Andrea Neale |
Contact Email | andrea.neale@hanescompanies.com |
Contact Phone | 805-241-6860 |
Contact Address | 5927 Balfour Ct. #108, Carlsbad, CA 92008 |
Comments | Company also offers slope stabilization and erosion control products. |
42. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Brae, Inc. |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Contractor |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Phone | 800-772-1958 |
Contact Address | 550 E. 5th St., Oakboro, NC 28129-9019 |
Comments | Web site features an automated map tool to calculate estimated annual storage for your roof. |
43. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tuff Tech Bags |
Product/Service | Rain Barrels, flexible plastic |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting |
Contact Name | Robert Roszell |
Contact Email | robert@tufftechbags.com |
Contact Phone | 905-420-4118 |
Contact Address | Ontario, Canada |
Comments | Vendor is a member of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Assoc. |
44. | |
Category | Cisterns and Underground Storage |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Contech Engineered Solutions |
Product/Service | Rainwater Harvesting Tanks, Pumps and Controls, Detention and Infiltration |
Description/Application | Rainwater Harvesting, Detention, Infiltration |
Contact Name | Maryjane Mac Leod |
Contact Phone | 818-519-1781 |
Comments | IAPMO and UL approved systems. |
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