The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Best Management Products |
Product/Service | Snout |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | T.J. Mullin, Pres. |
Contact Email | tjm@bestmp.com |
Contact Phone | 800-504-8008 |
2. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | J2A Environmental |
Product/Service | UltraTech CurbGuard, GrateGuard, Drainguard |
Description/Application | Catch Basin Inlet Dams, Flexible Fabric |
Contact Name | Jamie Aderhold |
Contact Email | jamie@J2AEnvironmental.com |
Contact Phone | 562-433-6907 |
Contact Address | 760 Loma Ave., Long Beach, CA 90804 |
3. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | U.S. Enviro-Net Services |
Product/Service | OCEAN-Pro Debris Gate |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Eric Taylor |
Contact Email | team@usenvironet.com |
Contact Phone | 714-526-8020 |
Contact Address | 717-H So. State College Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92831 |
4. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Asbury Environmental Services |
Product/Service | Clean Screen |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Shannon Munger |
Contact Email | smunger@asburyenv.com |
Contact Phone | 909-356-0245 |
Contact Address | 13579 Whittram Ave., Fontana, CA 92335 |
Comments | LACDPW pilot installations on 91 catch basins county-wide. |
5. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | National Inlet Protection, Inc. |
Product/Service | Inlet Guard |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Bill Mossburg |
Contact Email | info@nip1.com |
Contact Phone | 301-762-1500 |
Contact Address | PO Box 411, Damascus, MD 20872 |
6. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | ACF Environmental |
Product/Service | Gutterbuddy |
Description/Application | Filter Tube, Flexible Fabric |
Contact Name | Rennie DiLoreto, Pres. |
Contact Phone | 800-644-9223 |
Contact Address | 2831 Cardwell Rd., Richmond, VA 23234 |
7. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | CSM Corp. |
Product/Service | Insert 2400 |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Email | csm_corp@yahoo.com |
Contact Phone | 845-641-7259 |
8. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Stormwater Treatment Systems |
Product/Service | STS Insert |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder with Treatment |
Contact Name | Sameer Etman |
Contact Email | sameeretman@hotmail.com |
Contact Phone | 626-644-0973 |
Contact Address | 1101 E Loma Alta Dr, Altadena, CA 91001 |
9. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | StormTek |
Product/Service | StormTek connector pipe screen/catch basin insert |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Octavio Lugo |
Contact Email | octavio@stormtekcps.com |
Contact Phone | 714-457-3283 |
Comments | Installed in catch basins throughout California. |
10. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | EcoBlok, LLC |
Product/Service | EcoBlok |
Description/Application | Erosion Control, Modular Filters and Barriers |
Contact Name | Thomas Horan |
Contact Email | tom@eco-blok.com |
Contact Phone | 805-499-8856 |
Contact Address | 1560-1 Newbury Rd., Ste. 102, Newbury Park, CA 91320 |
Comments | Solid block, coarse, or fine filter versions available. |
11. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Stormwater |
Product/Service | Surf-Gate |
Description/Application | Trash Excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Terry Flury |
Contact Email | americanstormwater@yahoo.com |
Contact Phone | 310-261-1570 |
Contact Address | Torrance, CA |
Comments | Installations in Huntington Beach, Garden Grove, and Los Angeles, CA. |
12. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | J2A Environmental |
Product/Service | Trident Curb Screen |
Description/Application | Trash excluder, Catch Basin |
Contact Name | Jamie Aderhold |
Contact Email | Jamie@curbscreens.com |
Contact Phone | 562-619-8708 |
Contact Address | 760 Loma Ave., Long Beach, CA 90804 |
Comments | Screens made of recycled plastic. Installations in Anaheim, Fountain Valley, Rancho Santa Margarita. |
13. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Global H2O Solutions |
Product/Service | Aqua Filtration Unit |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | C. Raymond Ledsworth |
Contact Email | gh2os@yahoo.com |
Contact Phone | 888-SAV.R.BAY |
14. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | United Stormwater, Inc. |
Product/Service | Clean Screen III |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | Kelly Cooke |
Contact Email | kelly@unitedstormwater.com |
Contact Phone | 626-890-7107 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
15. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | G2 Construction |
Product/Service | Cam Debris Gate |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | John Alvarado |
Contact Email | jalvarado@g2construction.com |
Contact Phone | 714-448-8080 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
16. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | West Coast Storm, Inc. |
Product/Service | West Coast Storm Screen |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | Reggie Estrada |
Contact Email | restrada@wcstorm.net |
Contact Phone | 909-890-5700 |
Contact Address | 654 So. Lincoln Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
17. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Stormwater |
Product/Service | Surf Gate |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | Todd Waters |
Contact Email | twaters@ecologycontrol.com |
Contact Phone | 310-354-9999 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
18. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Waterway Solutions, LLC |
Product/Service | Top Swing Gate |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | Terry Flury |
Contact Email | waterwaysolution@aol.com |
Contact Phone | 310-592-8712 |
Contact Address | 3725 E. 4th Suite #1, Long Beach, CA 90814 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
19. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | EnviroEnergy, Inc. |
Product/Service | STS-1 |
Description/Application | Automatic Retractable Screen |
Contact Name | Alim Shahid |
Contact Email | Ashahid@enviroenergyusa.com |
Contact Phone | 661-236-9487 |
Contact Address | 513 E.1st Street, Tustin, CA 92780 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system |
20. | |
Category | Drain Inlet Protection |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Suntree Technologies, Inc., distributed by Oldcastle Precast, Inc. |
Product/Service | Grate Inlet Skimmer Box |
Description/Application | trash and gross pollutants separation |
Contact Name | Tom Happel, President |
Contact Email | info@suntreetech.com |
Contact Phone | 321-637-7552 |
Contact Address | (Main Office) 798 Clearlake Road, Cocoa FL 32922 |
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If you are a stormwater BMP manufacturer or distributor
and would like to be added to the database, or have information to update the existing list,
please send an e-mail to the content manager or call
(626) 458-4313.