The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | J2A Environmental |
Product/Service | UltraTech HardTop, TrackPan |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Name | Jamie Aderhold |
Contact Email | Jamie@J2AEnvironmental.com |
Contact Phone | 562-433-6907 |
Contact Address | 760 Loma Ave., Long Beach, CA 90804 |
Comments | Also offers rooftop exhaust grease guard. |
2. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Animal Waste Collection, fact sheet |
3. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Automobile Washing, Fact Sheet |
4. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Landscaping, Fact Sheet |
5. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Pest Control, Fact Sheet |
6. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Automobile Maintenance, Fact Sheet |
7. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Septic System Controls, Fact Sheet |
8. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Bridge and Roadway Maintenance, Fact Sheet |
9. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Dumping Control, Fact Sheet |
10. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Catch Basins, Fact Sheet |
11. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Pollution prevention fact sheet |
Description/Application | Street and Parking Lot Cleaning, Fact Sheet |
12. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Adopt-a-Stormdrain |
Product/Service | Corporate Sponsorship |
Description/Application | Storm Drain Maintenance |
Contact Name | Paul Polizzotto, Pres. |
Contact Email | paul@adoptastormdrain.com |
Contact Phone | 310-374-8212 |
Contact Address | 91 Manhattan Ave., Ste. 100, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 |
Comments | In use in Malibu, Redondo Beach, CA |
13. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Property Prep |
Product/Service | Pressure Washing |
Description/Application | Outdoor Surface and Equipment Cleaning |
Contact Name | Paul Polizotto |
Contact Email | paul@adoptastormdrain.com |
Contact Phone | 310-643-0702 |
14. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NTS International |
Product/Service | Trash Can Washing |
Description/Application | Portable Equipment to Clean Trash Cans and Dispose of Waste |
Contact Name | Carl Lorentzen |
Contact Email | clorentzen@ntsinternational.com |
Contact Phone | 310-702-8441 |
15. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Wastewater Remediation |
Product/Service | Consulting Services |
Description/Application | Environmental Compliance Support Services |
Contact Name | Dave Belasco |
Contact Email | belascodave@earthlink.net |
Contact Phone | 714-554-8233 |
Contact Address | 1016 Orangefair Lane, Anaheim, CA 92801 |
16. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Breg International |
Product/Service | Absorbents, containers |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Email | west@bregintl.com |
Contact Phone | 800-443-2734 |
Contact Address | 955 So. Virginia St., Ste. 202, Reno, NV 89502 |
17. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Safe Drain, Inc. |
Product/Service | Safe Drain |
Description/Application | Catch Basin Insert w/shut-off valve |
Contact Email | info@safedrain.com |
Contact Phone | 888-428-8886 |
Contact Address | 2985 Gordon Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95051 |
Comments | Installations in cities of San Jose, Union City, Milpitas, and Vista, CA. |
18. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | J.V. Manufacturing |
Product/Service | Water Broom |
Description/Application | Outdoor Surface Cleaning |
Contact Name | Lloyd Luthringer |
Contact Email | watermiser@aol.com |
Contact Phone | 909-354-6744 |
Comments | Has received approval from the Regional Board to meet the terms of the MS4 as a high pressure cleaning device on impervious surfaces where it does not generate runoff and is not used to mobilize pollutants that end up in the storm drain system. MWD of So |
19. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | AV Equipment Rental |
Product/Service | Street Sweeper Rentals |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Street, Enhanced |
Contact Name | Rob Cruikshank |
Contact Email | signs@avequipment.net |
Contact Phone | 661-259-2155 |
Contact Address | 24933 San Fernando Rd., Santa Clarita, CA 93121 |
Comments | PM 10 compliant equipment |
20. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | BioClean Environmental Services, Inc. |
Product/Service | Bioremediation Services |
Description/Application | Grease trap cleanout |
Contact Name | Janet Kent, V.P. |
Contact Email | jkent4@cox.net |
Contact Phone | 760-433-7640 |
Contact Address | PO Box 869, Oceanside, CA 92049 |
21. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hydraulic Boat Co. |
Product/Service | Hydro-Skimmer |
Description/Application | Algae harvester and trash collector |
Contact Name | Henning Clasen |
Contact Email | hbci@tds.net |
Contact Phone | 877-627-3084 |
Contact Address | 1344 State R. 31 Port Byron, NY 13140 |
22. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Bullshot Systems, Inc. |
Product/Service | Bullshot |
Description/Application | Synthetic Lubricant |
Contact Name | Arthur Cuse |
Contact Phone | 213-382-4500 |
Contact Address | 336 So. Occidental Blvd., L.A., 90057 |
23. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Back Bay Safety & Industrial |
Product/Service | Outdoor Rainfall Canopies |
Description/Application | Canopies |
Contact Name | Richard Adams |
Contact Phone | 949-646-7888 |
Contact Address | 337 N. Peachtree Ln., Newport Beach, CA 92660 |
24. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | New Pig |
Product/Service | Oil Absorbent Fabric |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Phone | 800-HOT-DOGS |
Contact Address | One Pork Ave., Tipton, PA 16684 |
25. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Zorbit Corp. |
Product/Service | Granular Absorbants |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Name | Fred Babinski |
Contact Phone | 310-374-6465 |
Contact Address | 612 Meyers Ln. #8, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 |
26. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pak-West Paper Packaging |
Product/Service | Vacuum Sweepers |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Vacuum |
Contact Name | Robert Cazell |
Contact Phone | 714-481-3884 |
Contact Address | 3421 Segerstrom Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92709 |
27. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Benny's Pallets |
Product/Service | Wooden Pallets |
Description/Application | Industrial/Commercial Good Housekeeping Products |
Contact Name | Lazaro Martinez |
Contact Phone | 213-746-1679 |
Contact Address | 1611 E. 23rd St., Los Angeles, CA 90011 |
28. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | W.W. Grainger, Inc. |
Product/Service | Salvage drums, pallets, tarps, funnels, cleaners, degreasers, oil booms, shelving, absorbent drum covers, magnets, drip pans |
Description/Application | Industrial/Commercial Good Housekeeping Products |
Contact Name | Mel Couron |
Contact Phone | 626-337-7668 |
Contact Address | 12780 Schabarum Ave., Irwindale, CA |
29. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tri Synergy, Inc. |
Product/Service | 4U Concentrated Cleaner |
Description/Application | Industrial Cleaner, Biodegradeable |
Contact Email | sales@trisyn.com |
Contact Phone | 800-446-6076 |
Contact Address | PO Box 27015, San Diego, CA 92198 |
30. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Schwarze Industries, Inc. |
Product/Service | Street sweepers |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Street, Enhanced |
Contact Email | support@schwarze.com |
Contact Phone | 256-851-1200 |
Contact Address | 1055 Jordan Rd. NE, Huntsville, AL 35811 |
Comments | PM 10 compliant equipment |
31. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Elgin Sweeper Co. |
Product/Service | Street sweepers |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Street, Enhanced |
Contact Email | sales@elginsweeper.com |
Contact Phone | 847-741-5370 |
Contact Address | 1300 W. Bartlett Rd., Elgin, IL 60120 |
Comments | PM 10 compliant equipment |
32. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tymco |
Product/Service | Street sweepers |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Street, Enhanced |
Contact Email | info@tymco.com |
Contact Phone | 800-258-9626 |
Contact Address | PO Box 2368, Waco, TX, 76703 |
Comments | PM 10 compliant equipment |
33. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tennant |
Product/Service | Street and floor sweepers |
Description/Application | Sweepers, Street, Industrial, Commercial, Enhanced |
Contact Email | info@tennantco.com |
Contact Phone | 800-553-8033 |
Contact Address | 701 No. Lilac Dr., PO Box 1452, Minneapolis, MN 55440 |
Comments | PM 10 compliant equipment |
34. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Western Exterminator Co. |
Product/Service | Bioremediation Services |
Description/Application | Microbial Drain Line and Grease Trap Maintenance |
Contact Name | Michael J. Lawton, VP |
Contact Email | mlawton@west-ext.com |
Contact Phone | 800-937-8398 |
Contact Address | 305 N. Crescent Way, Anaheim, CA 92801 |
35. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Reclaim Environmental Water Systems |
Product/Service | U-1000 Industrial Vacuum |
Description/Application | Industrial Vacuum Cleaners |
Contact Name | Tom Unvert |
Contact Email | tomu@reclaimsystems.com |
Contact Phone | 949-642-3610 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 15531, Newport Beach, CA 92659 |
36. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Envirocalm, LLC |
Product/Service | BMP maintenance services |
Description/Application | BMP inspection, maintenance, monitoring, repair and vector (mosquito) control |
Contact Name | Graham Bryant |
Contact Email | info@envirocalm.com |
Contact Phone | 908-272-4411 |
Contact Address | 525 Boulevard, Kenilworth , NJ 07033 |
37. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Marine Oil Systems |
Product/Service | Waste oil and marine handling equipment |
Description/Application | Harbor and Marina Good Housekeeping Products |
Contact Name | Dan West, Pres. |
Contact Email | info@americanmarineoil.com |
Contact Phone | 877-582-5823 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 1021 Newport Beach, CA. 92659 |
38. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Oldcastle Precast Inc. Drainage Protection Systems |
Product/Service | BMP maintenance services |
Description/Application | Preventive maintenance, inspection, disposal, documentation |
Contact Name | Gary Jones |
Contact Phone | 800-579-8819 |
Contact Address | 7100 Longe St., Suite 100, Stockton, CA 95206 |
Comments | Division of Old Castle Precast, Inc. Company claims to be confined space certified. |
39. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American FreezeBlast |
Product/Service | FreezeBlasting |
Description/Application | Dry-Ice Cleaning |
Contact Email | info@freezeblast.com |
Contact Phone | 805-649-5070 |
Comments | The vendor claims advantages over traditional cleaning methods such as pressure washing or hand scrubbing with no solvents or detergents. |
40. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Monarch Concrete Washout Systems |
Product/Service | Concrete Washout System |
Description/Application | Roll on/off concrete washout removal |
Contact Name | Drew Sones, Govt. Affairs Director |
Contact Email | d.sonesconsulting@verizon.net |
Contact Phone | 888-490-6296 |
Contact Address | 6528 Greenleaf Ave. #112, Whittier, CA 90601 |
41. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Doggie Walk Bags Co. |
Product/Service | Doggie Walk Bag and Distribution Station |
Description/Application | Dog Waste Disposal |
Contact Email | bigdog@thedogbag.com |
Contact Phone | 877-DOG-BAGS |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 228 Balboa Island, CA 92662 |
42. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Peerless Materials |
Product/Service | Oil Absorbent Fabric |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Name | Francis Vasquez |
Contact Email | FrancisV@PeerlessMaterials.com |
Contact Phone | 323-266-0313 |
Contact Address | 300 South Mission Road, Los Angeles, CA 90033 |
43. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Petpro Products, Inc. |
Product/Service | Dispoz-A-Scoop |
Description/Application | Dog Waste Disposal |
Contact Phone | 800-873-5957 |
Comments | Manufacturer claims scoops are biodegradeable. |
44. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Baggit, Inc./JDL Distributing |
Product/Service | Baggit/Dogipot |
Description/Application | Dog Waste Disposal |
Contact Name | Debbie Polk |
Contact Email | sales@jdldist.com |
Contact Phone | 407-732-4797 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 470085, Lake Monroe, FL 32747-0085 |
45. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Garner-West Environmental Services |
Product/Service | Sewer Hog, Super Hog, Pit Panther, Grit Gator |
Description/Application | Storm Drain Cleaning and Dewatering |
Contact Name | Kent Ford |
Contact Email | kford@garnerwest.com |
Contact Phone | 281-930-4411 |
Contact Address | 1717 West 13th St., Deer Park, TX 77536 |
Comments | Vendor claims to be ISO 9001-2000 certified. |
46. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hydro Tek Systems, Inc. |
Product/Service | Flatwork Filtration System |
Description/Application | Outdoor Surface Cleaning Filtration |
47. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Ecopond |
Product/Service | Aquatic ecosystems |
Description/Application | Pond maintenance and design by natural systems |
Contact Name | Shelley Solomon |
Contact Email | maple@olypen.com |
Contact Phone | 714-649-0139 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 431, Silverado, CA 92676 |
Comments | Vendor states that 1% of project's net proceeds are donated to a local non-profit environmental organization. |
48. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tool Stop and Machinery |
Product/Service | Outdoor Rainfall Canopies |
Description/Application | Canopies and Tarps |
Contact Phone | 562-425-3634 |
Contact Address | Long Beach, CA 90808 |
49. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | West Technology Systems, Inc. |
Product/Service | Oloid Circulator |
Description/Application | Pond/Harbor/Marina Aeration, Circulation |
Contact Name | Dave Johnson |
Contact Email | djohnson@westtechnosystems.com |
Contact Phone | 949-742-7010 |
Contact Address | 30152 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 |
Comments | Installations in Europe; pilot project in Dana Point, CA |
50. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Interstate Products, Inc. |
Product/Service | Secondary containment, spill response and containment, roof exhaust degreaser, downspout guard, construction site desilters |
Description/Application | Industrial/Commercial Good Housekeeping Products |
Contact Phone | 800-474-7294 |
Contact Address | 3921 Sawyer Rd., Sarasota, FL 34233 |
51. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | ACP International |
Product/Service | Adhesive curb and storm drain markers |
Description/Application | Signage and Markers |
Contact Name | Ron Bates |
Contact Email | ron@acpinternational.com |
Contact Phone | 817-640-0992 |
Contact Address | 1010 Oakmead, Arlington, TX 76011 |
52. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Yucko's |
Product/Service | Dogipot Products |
Description/Application | Dog Waste Disposal |
Contact Email | yuckos@yuckos.com |
Contact Phone | 866-744-6652 |
Comments | Company also offers other pet waste management services. |
53. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hueter Toledo, Inc. |
Product/Service | Doggie Dooley |
Description/Application | Dog Waste Disposal |
Contact Email | questions@doggiedooley.com |
Contact Phone | 800-537-1601 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 346, Bellevue, OH 44811 |
54. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Tech Wash Services, Inc. |
Product/Service | Pressure Washing |
Description/Application | Outdoor Surface Cleaning |
Contact Name | Bob MacLean, Managing Partner |
Contact Email | bob@techwashinc.com |
Contact Phone | 888-883-1915 EXT 11 |
Contact Address | 42217 Rio Nedo, Suite 205A, Temecula, CA 92590 |
55. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Stormwater Maintenance Company |
Product/Service | BMP maintenance services |
Description/Application | Preventive maintenance, inspection, disposal |
Contact Name | Rich Vega |
Contact Email | rich@storm-maintenance.com |
Contact Phone | 805-983-7394 |
56. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | PCI Products Co. |
Product/Service | Absorbants |
Description/Application | Spill Containment and Collection |
Contact Name | Travis Zdrazil |
Contact Email | sales@absorbentsonline.com |
Contact Phone | 800-869-9633 |
Contact Address | 4195 Chino Hills Pkwy., #360, Chino Hills, CA 91709 |
57. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | SweepersandFloorScrubbers.com |
Product/Service | Surface Cleaning Equipment |
Description/Application | Cleaning Equipment Sales and Rental |
Contact Name | Joe Snider |
Contact Email | support@sweepersandfloorscrubbers.com |
Contact Phone | 323-596-1032 |
Contact Address | 1601 E. Olympic Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90021 |
Comments | Company claims to provide training to contractors on disposal of wash water. |
58. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | UltraTech International, Inc. |
Product/Service | Secondary containment, spill response and containment, erosion control |
Description/Application | Industrial/Commercial Good Housekeeping Products |
Contact Name | Brad Kemp |
Contact Email | brad.kemp@spillcontainment.com |
Contact Phone | 480-415-6760 |
Contact Address | 11542 Davis Creek Court, Jacksonville, FL 32256 |
59. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | GOSLYN/Doherty Tech |
Product/Service | Goslyn GOS80 |
Description/Application | Restaurant Fats/Oil/Grease Recovery System |
Contact Name | Dennis Doherty |
Contact Email | dennis@dohertytech.com |
Contact Phone | 310-710-5838 |
Contact Address | 11870 Santa Monica Bl. #106-517, Los Angeles, CA 90025 |
60. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Scanjet, Inc. |
Product/Service | Scanjet SC30T |
Description/Application | High pressure tank cleaning nozzle |
Contact Name | Greg Boege |
Contact Email | gpb@scanjetinc.com |
Contact Phone | 805-459-0613 |
Comments | Vendor also provides engineering services and supplementary equipment. |
61. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | |
Product/Service | |
Description/Application | |
62. | |
Category | Good Housekeeping and Maintenance |
Manufacturer/Distributor | |
Product/Service | |
Description/Application | |
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