The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Roscoe Moss Co. |
Product/Service | Storm Flo Litter Screen |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Kevin McGillicuddy |
Contact Email | info@roscoemoss.com |
Contact Phone | 323-263-4111 |
Contact Address | 4360 Worth St., L.A., CA 90063 |
Comments | Installed and evaluated by Caltrans in Los Angeles and San Diego Counties. Granted "full capture" status by the Regional Board. |
2. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Ski-Jump Runoff Services |
Product/Service | Ski-Jump Silt and Litter Trap |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Doug Nicholas |
Contact Email | srsnicholas@bigpond.com |
Contact Phone | 61 2 94274910 |
Contact Address | 11 Angus Ave, Lane Cove, NSW 2066, Australia |
3. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Fresh Creek Technologies |
Product/Service | Netting TrashTrap |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Clint Holland, President |
Contact Email | cholland@freshcreek.com |
Contact Phone | 973-237-9099 |
Contact Address | 1425 Pompton Ave., Ste. 1-2, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 |
Comments | LACDPW pilot installation in Hamilton Bowl Pump Plant forebay, Long Beach, CA. Believed to be certified "full capture" by the L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board. |
4. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | StormWater Systems (Australia) |
Product/Service | PT2000 |
Description/Application | Trash Sock, End of Pipe |
Contact Name | Anto Pratten |
Contact Email | antopratten@stormwater.com.au |
Contact Phone | 02 9648 3989 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 96 Pyrmont Sydney, NSW 2009, Australia |
Comments | LACDPW pilot installation at Compton Ck. retention basin, Rancho Dominguez, CA |
5. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Suntree Technologies, Inc., distributed by Oldcastle Precast, Inc. |
Product/Service | Nutrient Separating Baffle Box |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Tom Happel, President |
Contact Email | info@suntreetech.com |
Contact Phone | 321-637-7552 |
Contact Address | (Main Office) 798 Clearlake Road, Cocoa FL 32922 |
Comments | Over 90 installations in Florida. Maintenance available from vendor. Vendor claims device monitored according to TARP protocol and certified by NJ Corp. for Advanced Technology. CA Distributor: OldCastle Precast |
6. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Nautilus Marine Protection, Inc. |
Product/Service | Trash boom design and manufacturing |
Description/Application | Trash Boom, Floating |
Contact Name | David Bilicki |
Contact Email | d.bilicki@verizon.net |
Contact Phone | 562-437-5844 |
Contact Address | PO Box 20099, Long Beach, CA 90801 |
Comments | LACDPW pilot installation at mouth of Los Angeles River, Long Beach, CA. |
7. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Brash Industries |
Product/Service | Helix Boom System |
Description/Application | Trash Boom, Floating |
Contact Email | brashind@aol.com |
Contact Phone | 310-305-8637 |
Contact Address | 4635 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 |
8. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Inventive Development Co. |
Product/Service | Archemedies Screw Cable Boom |
Description/Application | Boom and Truck/Hopper Trash System |
Contact Name | R. Al Morrison, President |
Contact Address | 38 Quincy Ave., Belmont Shore, CA 90803 |
9. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Rinker Materials |
Product/Service | Humegard |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Jim Johnston, Region Engineer |
Contact Email | jjohnston@rinker.com |
Contact Phone | 909-277-2422 ext. 302 |
Contact Address | 23200 Temescal Cyn. Rd., Corona, CA 92883 |
Comments | Installations in Australia. |
10. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Kepner Plastic Fabricators, Inc. |
Product/Service | SeaCurtain |
Description/Application | Trash Boom, Floating |
Contact Name | Ben Cowart, Sales Rep. |
Contact Email | ben@kepnerplastics.com |
Contact Phone | 310-325-3162 |
Contact Address | 3131Lomita Bl., Torrance, CA 90505 |
11. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NSW, LLC. |
Product/Service | Copasacs Stormwater Screens |
Description/Application | Trash Sock, End of Pipe |
Contact Email | netting@nswplastics.com |
Contact Phone | 800-368-3610 |
Contact Address | 530 Gregory Ave., Roanoke, VA 24016 |
12. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Marine Oil Systems |
Product/Service | End of Line Collection System |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Dan West, Pres. |
Contact Email | info@americanmarineoil.com |
Contact Phone | 877-582-5823 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 1021 Newport Beach, CA. 92659 |
Comments | Installation in Newport Beach, CA. Company also provides maintenances services. |
13. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Bio-Microbics |
Product/Service | BioStorm |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Email | onsite@biomicrobics.com |
Contact Phone | 800-753-FAST |
Contact Address | 8450 Cole Parkway, Shawnee, KS 66227 |
Comments | Manufacturer also makes oil and grease separators, filter media, and onsite wastewater treatment systems. |
14. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | K. B. Practical Technology |
Product/Service | Practical Technology Catch Basin Insert |
Description/Application | Catch Basin Inserts |
Contact Name | K. Nino |
Contact Phone | 562-843-9265 |
Contact Address | 8286 Phlox St., Downey, CA 90241 |
Comments | Installation in the City of Los Angeles |
15. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Practical Technologies |
Product/Service | Practical Catch Basin Insert |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | K. Nino |
Contact Email | knino@practology.com |
Contact Phone | 562-843-9265 |
Contact Address | 8266 Phlox St., Downey, CA 90241 |
Comments | Installed in City of L.A. catch basins. Believed to be "Certified Full Capture" by the L.A. Regional Board. |
16. | |
Category | In-Stream Trap |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Coanda, Inc. |
Product/Service | Coanda Screen |
Description/Application | Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation |
Contact Name | Cynthia Esmond, President |
Contact Email | cesmond@coanda.com |
Contact Phone | 714-389-2113 |
Contact Address | 3943 Irvine Blvd. #327, Irvine, CA 92602 |
Comments | Acceptable, with conditions, for installation in the L.A. County Flood Control system. Certified "full capture" by the L.A. Regional Water Quality Control Board. |
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and would like to be added to the database, or have information to update the existing list,
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