The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Sustainable Building Sourcebook |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Porous Materials, Web Site |
2. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | E.P. Henry Corporation |
Product/Service | Eco Pave |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Concrete Grid |
Contact Email | info@ephenry.com |
Contact Phone | 800-44-HENRY |
Contact Address | 201 Park Avenue, PO Box 615, Woodbury, NJ 08096 |
3. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pavestone-Hydropave |
Product/Service | Eco Stone |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Blocks |
Contact Name | Jeff Cooper, Sales Rep. |
Contact Phone | 949-510-7529 |
Contact Address | 4675 Wynn Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89103 |
4. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pavestone-Hydropave |
Product/Service | Uni-green |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Concrete Grid |
Contact Name | Jeff Cooper, Sales Rep. |
Contact Phone | 949-510-7529 |
Contact Address | 4675 Wynn Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89103 |
5. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Air Vol Block |
Product/Service | Turfstone |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Concrete Grid |
Contact Name | Russ Kissinger, Sales Mgr. |
Contact Email | sales@airvolblock.com |
Contact Phone | 805-543-1314 |
Contact Address | PO Box 931, #1, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 |
Comments | Installed at San Luis Bay Inn, Avila Beach, CA. |
6. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Soil Stabilization Products Co. |
Product/Service | Geoblock |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Name | John Cameron |
Contact Email | jcameron@sspco.com |
Contact Phone | 800-523-9992 |
Contact Address | POB 2779 Merced, CA 995344-0779 |
7. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Invisible Structures |
Product/Service | GrassPave |
Description/Application | Erosion Control |
Contact Name | Al Lastuck, So. Cal. Rep. |
Contact Email | al@invisiblestructures.com |
Contact Phone | 714-536-7062 |
Contact Address | 8042 Driftwood Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica: contact Neal Shapiro at 310-458-8223. Also installed at: Koll Center, Irvine, CA; Orange Bowl, Miami, FL; Westfarms Mall, West Hartford, CT. |
8. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Invisible Structures |
Product/Service | GravelPave |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice, Gravel Containment |
Contact Name | Al Lastuck, So. Cal. Rep. |
Contact Email | al@invisiblestructures.com |
Contact Phone | 714-536-7062 |
Contact Address | 8042 Driftwood Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA. Also installed at: Grand Cyn. Trust, Flagstaff, AZ; Frostburg Univ., MD. |
9. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NDS, Inc. |
Product/Service | TuffTrack |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Email | ndspro@aol.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 726-1994 |
Contact Address | 851 N. Harvard Avenue, Lindsay, CA 93247 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA. |
10. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NDS, Inc. |
Product/Service | Grassroad Paver8 Plus |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Email | ndspro@aol.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 726-1994 |
Contact Address | 851 N. Harvard Avenue, Lindsay, CA 93247 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA Also at: Jamboree Center, Irvine, CA; Saddleback Valley Community Church, Lake Forest, CA; pedestrian surface outside Dodd Hall, UCLA; JIPA Corporate Facility overflow parking |
11. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | RK Manufacturing |
Product/Service | Grassy Pavers |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Email | sjohnson@rkmfg.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 957-5575 |
Contact Address | PO Box 1739 Ridgeland, MS 39157 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
12. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Hastings Pavement Co. |
Product/Service | Checker Block |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Concrete Grid |
Contact Email | hastpavers@aol.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 874-4717 |
Contact Address | 30 Commercial Street, Freeport, NY 11520 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
13. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Acker-Stone |
Product/Service | Ecostone |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Interlocking |
Contact Email | pavers@ackerstone.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 258-2353 |
Contact Address | 13296 Temescal Canyon Road, Corona, CA 92883 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
14. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Acker-Stone |
Product/Service | Spectrum, Turfblock |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Interlocking |
Contact Email | pavers@ackerstone.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 258-2353 |
Contact Address | 13296 Temescal Canyon Road, Corona, CA 92883 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
15. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Sullivan Concrete |
Product/Service | Grasscrete |
Description/Application | Porous Pavement, Cast-in-Place Open Cell Concrete |
Contact Email | sct@deltanet.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 447-8559 |
Contact Address | 1111 Baker St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
16. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Sullivan Concrete |
Product/Service | GrassBlock |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Interlocking |
Contact Email | sct@deltanet.com |
Contact Phone | (800) 447-8559 |
Contact Address | 1111 Baker St., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 |
Comments | Installed in Santa Monica, CA |
17. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pave-Tech |
Product/Service | Enviropave |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Blocks, Plastic Spacers |
Contact Email | sales@paveedge.com |
Contact Phone | 800-728-3832 |
18. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Basalite |
Product/Service | SF-Rima |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Blocks |
Contact Name | Bruce Camper, Paver Sales Mgr. |
Contact Phone | 800-266-3670 |
Contact Address | 11888 W. Linne Rd., Tracy, CA 95376 |
Comments | Installed on highway ramps at US 101 at Castillo St., Santa Barbara, CA |
19. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Presto |
Product/Service | Geo Block |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Name | June Gerhardt |
Contact Email | info@prestogeo.com |
Contact Phone | 800-548-3424 |
Contact Address | 670 No. Perkins St., Appleton, WS 54912 |
20. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Southern California Rock Products Assoc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Aggregate Manufacturing, Open Graded |
Contact Email | scrpa@scrpa.com |
Contact Phone | 626-441-3107 |
Contact Address | PO Box 40, So. Pasadena, CA 91031 |
21. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association: |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Aggregate Manufacturing, Open Graded |
Contact Email | info@nssga.org |
Contact Phone | 800-342-1415 |
Contact Address | 2101 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 100, Arlington, VA 22201 |
22. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Interlocking Concrete Paver Institute |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Blocks, Open Jointed and Concrete Grid Manufacturing |
Contact Email | icpi@icpi.org |
Contact Phone | 202-712-9036 |
Contact Address | 1444 I Street NW, Ste. 700, Washington, D.C. 20005-2210 |
23. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | National Concrete Masonry Assoc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Block Manufacturing |
Contact Phone | 703-713-1900 |
Contact Address | 13750 Sunrise Valley Dr., Herndon, VA 20171-3499 |
24. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | California Cement Promotion Council |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete, Manufacturing |
Contact Name | David Akers, So. Cal. Field Engineer |
Contact Email | david.akers@cncpc.org |
Contact Phone | 858-541-0180 |
Contact Address | 5841 Amaro Dr. San Diego, CA 92124 |
Comments | Porous concrete installed at: Bannister Park, Fair Oaks, CA; Cerritos Auto Mall, Cerritos, CA; Santa Monica Mountains Recreation and Conservation Auth. |
25. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Concrete Institute |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete, Committee on Enhanced Porosity Concrete |
Comments | For more information, contact Prof. Bruce Ferguson: 706-542-0709, bfergus@arches.uga.edu |
26. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Georgia Concrete and Products Assoc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete, Manufacturing |
Contact Name | Dan Brown |
Contact Phone | 770-621-9324 |
Comments | Standard specs for porous concrete |
27. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Florida Concrete and Products Assoc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Manufacturers' Association |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete, Manufacturing |
Contact Name | Diep Tu |
Contact Phone | 407-895-9333 |
Comments | Installation guidelines |
28. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Invisible Structures |
Product/Service | RainStore |
Description/Application | Storage of Runoff, Underground |
Contact Name | Al Lastuck, So. Cal. Rep. |
Contact Phone | 714-536-7062 |
Contact Address | 8042 Driftwood Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92646 |
Comments | Installed at: Multnomah School, L.A., CA; LDS Church, Boise, ID |
29. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Atlantis Water Management |
Product/Service | Stormwater Purification System |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Comments | System includes geotextile fabrics, plastic drainage cells, storage modules, cellular conduit, special soils. |
30. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | PBC Companies |
Product/Service | Uni Eco-Stone |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Blocks |
Contact Name | Julie Garza |
Contact Phone | 714-278-0488 |
Contact Address | 1560 W. Lambert Rd., Brea, CA 92821 |
31. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Michiels International Inc. |
Product/Service | Perco-Crete |
Description/Application | Absorbent Concret Admixture |
Contact Name | Frank Michiels |
Contact Email | frankmichiels@miitrade.com |
Contact Phone | 425-487-1151 |
Comments | Applications in Washington State, California, and Japan. |
32. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Glenn Rehbein Companies |
Product/Service | Netlon Turf Systems |
Description/Application | Turf Engineering |
Contact Name | Mike Kelly |
Contact Email | mkelly@rehbein.com |
Contact Phone | 763-784-0657 |
Contact Address | 8651 Naples St. N.E., Blaine, MN 55449 |
Comments | Also designs and installs interlocking concrete pavers and green roofs. Installations in Carlsbad and Cambria, CA. |
33. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Advanced Pavement Technology |
Product/Service | Ecological Paver System |
Description/Application | Porous Pavement Systems |
Contact Name | Derek Schneider |
Contact Email | Derek@advancedpavement.com |
Contact Phone | 877-551-4200 |
Contact Address | 67 Stonehill Rd., Oswego, IL 60543 |
34. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NDS, Inc. |
Product/Service | Tufftrack Grassroad Pavers |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Email | nds@ndspro.net |
Contact Phone | 800-726-1994 |
Contact Address | 851 No. Harvard Ave., Lindsay, CA 93247 |
35. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | NDS, Inc. |
Product/Service | EZ Roll Grassroad Paver |
Description/Application | Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice |
Contact Email | nds@ndspro.net |
Contact Phone | 800-726-1994 |
Contact Address | 851 No. Harvard Ave., Lindsay, CA 93247 |
36. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Advanced Pavement Technology |
Product/Service | Pavement Installation |
Description/Application | Porous Pavement Contractor |
Contact Email | crt@advancedpavement.com |
Contact Phone | 877-551-4200 |
Contact Address | 67 Stonehill Rd., Oswego, IL 60543 |
37. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | SF Concrete Technology Inc. |
Product/Service | SF-Rima, VS5 Eco, VS5 Drain |
Description/Application | Permeable Pavement Systems |
Contact Name | Helga Piro, General Mgr. |
Contact Email | info@sfconcrete.on.ca |
Contact Phone | 905-615-9290 |
Contact Address | 3338 Enniskillen Circle, Mississauga, ON, Canada, L5C 2M8 |
Comments | Licenses concrete producers to manufacture interlocking paving stones and permeable pavers in Canada and the United States. |
38. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Cellular Concrete LLC |
Product/Service | Geofoam |
Description/Application | Pervious cellular lightweight conrete |
Contact Name | Bill Reynolds |
Contact Email | permeon@dslextreme.com |
Contact Phone | 714-731-0906 |
39. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | ORCO Pavingstones |
Product/Service | Aqua Bric |
Description/Application | Permeable Pavement Systems |
Contact Name | Symeon Finch |
Contact Email | Symeon.Finch@orco.com |
Contact Phone | 909-996-9055 |
Contact Address | 4510 Rutile St., Riverside, CA 92509 |
40. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | T.B. Penick and Sons, Inc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Installation |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete Contractor |
Contact Name | Byron Klemaske |
Contact Email | byron@tbpenick.com |
Contact Phone | 858.558.1800 |
Contact Address | 9747 Olson Dr., San Diego 92121 |
Comments | Projects include decorative and conventional pervious concrete. Crews carry National Ready Mixed Concrete Association certification credentials. |
41. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Beeson Masonry & Concrete |
Product/Service | Pavement Installation |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete Contractor |
Contact Name | Bill Beeson |
Contact Email | bill@beesonpervious.com |
Contact Phone | 661.724.1350 |
Contact Address | P.O. Box 363, Lake Hughes, CA 93532 |
Comments | Projects include decorative and conventional pervious concrete. Crews carry National Ready Mixed Concrete Association certification credentials. |
42. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Jezowski & Markel Contractors, Inc. |
Product/Service | Pavement Installation |
Description/Application | Porous Concrete Contractor |
Contact Name | Meredith Brownson |
Contact Email | mbrownson@jmcontractors.com |
Contact Phone | 714.978.2222 x137 |
Contact Address | 748 N. Poplar, Orange, CA 92868-1014 |
Comments | Projects include decorative and conventional pervious concrete. Crews carry National Ready Mixed Concrete Association certification credentials. |
43. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Presto Geosystems |
Product/Service | FirmaPave |
Description/Application | Porous Pavement, Architectural Stone |
Contact Name | Bill Handlos, Director |
Contact Email | info@prestogeo.com |
Contact Phone | 800-548-3424 |
Contact Address | 670 N Perkins Street, Appleton, Wisconsin 54912 |
Comments | Plastic lattice and recylcled glass porous pavements are also available. |
44. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | PermaPave |
Product/Service | PermaPave |
Description/Application | Porous stone aggregate paving tiles |
Contact Name | Dan Miller |
Contact Email | dan@permapave.com |
Contact Phone | 925-899-2830 |
Contact Address | 2020 W. Louise Dr., Phoeniz, AZ 85027 |
Comments | Pilot program at L.A. County DPW HQ parking lot. |
45. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Xeripave |
Product/Service | Xeripave |
Description/Application | Porous stone aggregate paving tiles |
Contact Email | info@xeripave.com |
Contact Phone | 877-694-0141 |
Contact Address | 815 NE 172nd Ave., Vancouver, WA 98684 |
Comments | Vendor also makes a decorative porous tile called Xeristone |
46. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pacific Interlock Pavingstone |
Product/Service | Hydro-Flo Pavingstones |
Description/Application | Porous paving tiles |
Contact Name | Paul Hathaway |
Contact Email | info@pacinterlock.com |
Contact Phone | 831-637-9163 |
Contact Address | 1895 San Felipe Rd., Hollister, CA 95023 |
Comments | The tile itself is porous. |
47. | |
Category | Porous Pavement |
Manufacturer/Distributor | EV Paver Corporation |
Product/Service | Ceramic Based Permeable Paver |
Description/Application | Allows water to penetrate through the paver itself |
Contact Email | info@evpaver.com |
Contact Phone | 949-293-4134 |
Contact Address | 1305 N. Knollwood Cir. Anaheim, Ca. 92801 |
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