The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products, activities, and services that are meant
to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice"
is a common term used in Federal, State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services.
Usage of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others, nor that the County
of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers,
consultants, products, or services on this list in no way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result
of the use of these products, nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance of these products.
Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not available at the time of publication.
1. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Technical Information for Municipalities, Water treatment |
2. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Center for Watershed Protection |
Product/Service | Nonprofit Organization |
Description/Application | Watershed Issues, Technical Support and Publications |
Contact Email | center@cwp.org |
Contact Phone | 410-461-8323 |
Contact Address | 8391 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043 |
3. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Stormwater Manager's Resource Center |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site maintained by the Center for Watershed Protection |
Description/Application | Stormwater Management, Technical Support |
Contact Email | info@stormwatercenter.net |
Contact Phone | 410-461-8323 |
Contact Address | 8391 Main Street, Ellicott City, MD 21043 |
Comments | Includes a library, slideshows, sample manuals, model ordinances, monitoring and assessment information, pollution prevention fact sheets, planning templates |
4. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | U.S. EPA Office of Wastewater Management |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | BMP, Stormwater Phase II National Menu |
Comments | Phase II Municipal Stormwater Permits apply to urban areas >10,000 and <100,000 population |
5. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | TreeLink |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Urban Forestry Web Site |
Comments | Site includes subscription to a list server |
6. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Low Impact Development Center |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Stormwater Impact Design Tools Web Site |
Contact Email | lidstormwater@lowimpactdevelopment.org |
Comments | Features an interactive design application with illustrations |
7. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange |
Product/Service | Pollution Prevention Education Network |
Description/Application | National Network of Pollution Prevention Info. for the Service Provider Community |
Contact Name | Jean Waters |
Contact Email | jwaters@mail.unomaha.edu |
Contact Phone | 402-595-2381 |
8. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | California Stormwater Quality Task Force |
Product/Service | Retail Gasoline Outlets BMP Guide, 1997 |
Description/Application | Compilation of Peer-Reviewed BMPs for Gas Stations. |
9. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | American Society of Civil Engineers/USEPA |
Product/Service | National Stormwater BMP Data Base |
Description/Application | BMP Performance Tests, National Data Base |
Contact Name | Jane Clary, Project Manager |
Contact Email | clary@wrightwater.com |
Contact Phone | 303-480-1700 |
Contact Address | Wright Water Engrs., Inc., 2490 W. 26th Ave., Ste. 100A, Denver, CO 80211 |
10. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | U.S. EPA Office of Science and Technology |
Product/Service | National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices 2nd Edition |
Description/Application | BMP Performance Tests, Nationwide Summary |
Contact Name | Rebecca Winer |
Contact Address | Center for Watershed Protection, 8391 Main St., Ellicott City, MD, 21043 |
11. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | Caltrans Stormwater Program |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | BMP Evaluation, Transportation-Related Runoff |
12. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | RiverSides Stewardship Alliance |
Product/Service | Nonprofit Organization |
Description/Application | Watershed Issues, Technical Support and Publications |
Contact Name | Kevin Mercer, Executive Dir. |
Contact Email | kmercer@riversides.org |
Contact Phone | 416-392-1983 |
Contact Address | 590 Jarvis St., Ste. 200, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2J4 Canada |
Comments | Designs lot level rain barrel BMP programs for cities, including Pittsburgh, Ottawa, and Toronto. |
13. | |
Category | Reference Source |
Manufacturer/Distributor | T. E. Scott & Assoc., Inc. |
Product/Service | Informational Web Site |
Description/Application | Bioretention Facts and Design Guidelines |
Contact Name | Theodore Scott |
Contact Email | tes@mdswm.com |
Contact Phone | 410-458-2651 |
Contact Address | 128 Cockeysville Road, Suite 300, Hunt Valley, MD 21030 |
Comments | Workshops offered. |
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If you are a stormwater BMP manufacturer or distributor
and would like to be added to the database, or have information to update the existing list,
please send an e-mail to the content manager or call
(626) 458-4313.