CEOs Housing Land Acquisition Fund – LA River Master Plan A reimagined river for LA County Tue, 21 Dec 2021 01:01:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 wp-content/uploads/cropped-Site_Icon-32x32.png CEOs Housing Land Acquisition Fund – LA River Master Plan 32 32 Identify funding necessary to create an affordable housing land bank, land acquisition loan fund, or similar strategy to purchase land in proximity to the river and hold it for future development as affordable housing or permanent supportive housing. goals/address-potential-adverse-impacts-to-housing-affordability-and-people-experiencing-homelessness/identify-funding-necessary-to-create-an-affordable-housing-land-bank-land-acquisition-loan-fund-or-similar-strategy-to-purchase-land-in-proximity-to-the-river-and-hold-it-for-future-development-as-a/ Thu, 29 Oct 2020 00:25:55 +0000