LA City/County Native American Indian Commission – LA River Master Plan A reimagined river for LA County Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:00:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 wp-content/uploads/cropped-Site_Icon-32x32.png LA City/County Native American Indian Commission – LA River Master Plan 32 32 Develop educational materials for people of all ages to learn more about the past, present, and future of the river corridor; natural resource protection; and the wildlife and water of the LA River. goals/foster-opportunities-for-continued-community-engagement-development-and-education/develop-educational-materials-for-people-of-all-ages-to-learn-more-about-the-past-present-and-future-of-the-river-corridor-natural-resource-protection-and-the-wildlife-and-water-of-the-la-river/ Thu, 29 Oct 2020 15:35:41 +0000 Identify and activate cultural assets along the LA River corridor. goals/embrace-and-enhance-opportunities-for-arts-and-culture/identify-and-activate-cultural-assets-along-the-la-river-corridor/ Wed, 28 Oct 2020 16:21:17 +0000

Action: [field title]

[field rationale_intro]

[field rationale]

County Lead

[for each=implementers parents=true current=true][set i_link][each link][/set][-for each=child current=true][get i_link] [/-for][/for]

Potential Partners

[for each=implementers parents=true current=true orderby=title order=asc][set p_link][each link][/set][-for each=child current=true][-for-else] [get p_link] [/-for][/for]

Geographic Boundaries

[for each=boundaries current=true] [each link] [/for]

Potential Funding Sources

[for each=funding_sources current=true orderby=title order=asc][each link] [/for]

Click above for other actions that involve the implementation lead or potential partners or that apply to the same geographic boundaries.


specific, tangible ways to reach the goal

[pass fields=related_image][/pass]
[field image=related_image return=caption]
[set source][field image=related_image return=description format=false][/set][if var=source][get source][/if]
Increase plant species biodiversity, and focus on the use of local California native plants in and around the river corridor. goals/support-healthy-connected-ecosystems/increase-plant-species-biodiversity-and-focus-on-the-use-of-local-california-native-plants-in-and-around-the-river-corridor/ Tue, 27 Oct 2020 20:44:06 +0000