Not sure what certain terms mean? See below.

Additional Activities Credit

A credit against a Parcel’s Special Parcel Tax amount for Parcel owners that initiate and complete qualifying additional activities after November 6, 2018, that confer benefits to the broader regional community related to Safe, Clean Water Program Goals. Implementation criteria and procedures related to Additional Activities Credit will be established in the Credit Program Procedures and Guidelines. 


The County of Los Angeles Office of the Assessor.


The Auditor-Controller of the County of Los Angeles.

Benefited Development

A group of Parcels that drain to common, centralized Stormwater Improvements. Implementation criteria and procedures related to Benefited Developments will be established in the Credit Program Procedures and Guidelines. 


The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, acting as the governing body of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District.

Census Block Group

As defined by the United States Census Bureau, a statistical division of census tracts, which are generally defined to contain between six hundred (600) and three thousand (3,000) people, and are used to present data and control block numbering. A Census Block Group consists of clusters of blocks within the same census tract. Each census tract contains at least one (1) Census Block Group and each Census Block is uniquely numbered within the census tract.

Chief Engineer

The Chief Engineer of the District or their authorized deputy, agent, or representative.

Community Investment Benefit

A benefit created in conjunction with a Project or Program, such as, but not limited to: improved flood management, flood conveyance, or flood risk mitigation; creation, enhancement or restoration of parks, habitat or wetlands; improved public access to waterways; enhanced or new recreational opportunities; and greening of schools. A Community Investment Benefit may also include a benefit to the community derived from a Project or Program that improves public health by reducing heat island effect, and increasing shade or planting of trees and other vegetation that increase carbon reduction/sequestration, and improve air quality.

Community Investment Credit

A credit against a Parcel’s Special Parcel Tax amount for a Stormwater Improvement that results in a Community Investment Benefit.


The County of Los Angeles.

Credit Program Procedures and Guidelines

The implementation procedures and guidelines for the credit program described in Section 18.10.A. of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code. 

Disadvantaged Community (DAC)

A Census Block Group that has an annual median household income of less than eighty percent (80%) of the Statewide annual median household income (as defined in Water Code section 79505.5).

Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Benefit

A Water Quality Benefit, Water Supply Benefit, and/or Community Investment Benefit located in a Disadvantaged Community or providing benefits directly to a Disadvantaged Community population.


The Los Angeles County Flood Control District.

District Program 

The part of the Safe, Clean Water Program described in Section 16.05.B. of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

Feasibility Study

A detailed technical investigation and report that is conducted to determine the feasibility of a proposed Project.

Feasibility Study Guidelines

The guidelines for the preparation of Feasibility Studies described in Section 18.07.B.3. of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

Impermeable Area 

A Parcel area covered by materials or constructed surfaces such as buildings, roofs, paved roadways, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, brick, asphalt, concrete, pavers, covers, slabs, sheds, pools, and other constructed surfaces or hardscape features. Impermeable Areas do not include permeable surfaces such as vegetated areas, grasses, bushes, shrubs, lawns, bare soil, tree canopy, natural water bodies, wetland areas, gravel, gardens and planters on bare soil, rocky shores, and other natural areas.

Industrial General Permit (IGP)

The set of requirements by which the State Water Resources Control Board and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board implement and enforce regulations on industrial stormwater discharges and authorized non-stormwater discharges from industrial facilities in California. The Industrial General Permit is called a general permit because many industrial facilities are covered by the same permit but comply with its requirements at their individual industrial facilities. 

Infrastructure Program

The program, implemented as part of the Regional Program of the Safe, Clean Water Program, described in Section 16.05.D.1 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

Infrastructure Program Project Applicant

Any individual, group, business or governmental entity, including, but not limited to, a Municipality, public utility, special district, school, community-based organization, non-governmental organization, non-profit organization, federally-recognized Indian tribe, State Indian tribe listed on the Native American Heritage Commission’s California Tribal Consultation List, or mutual water company, that submits a proposed Project or Feasibility Study for consideration for funding by the Safe, Clean Water Program.

Infrastructure Program Project Developer

The individual, group or entity that carries out or causes to be carried out part or all of the actions necessary to complete a Project.

Low Impact Development Ordinance (LID Ordinance)

The most recent ordinance establishing local low impact development standards and requirements on certain new development and redevelopment projects operative within the Municipality in which the project is located that conforms to requirements imposed by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board on that Municipality through the Municipality’s MS4 Permit. In the absence of an operative LID Ordinance in the Municipality in which the project is located, the most current LID Ordinance adopted by the County shall apply. 

Low-Income Household

A household in the District with a household income that does not exceed the Low-Income limit for Los Angeles County, as determined annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development.

Low-Income Senior-Owned Parcels

Parcels within the District that are owned and occupied as a residence by individuals over the age of sixty-two (62) who are the head of a Low-Income Household.

MS4 Permit

Order No. R4-2012-0175 (As Amended By State Water Board Order WQ 2015-0075 and Order No. R4-2012-0175-A01) NPDES Permit No. CAS004001 Waste Discharge Requirements For Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharges Within The Coastal Watersheds of Los Angeles County, Except Those Discharges Originating From The City of Long Beach MS4 or Order No. R4-2014-0024 (As Amended By Order No. R4-2014-0024-A01) NPDES Permit No. CAS004003 Waste Discharge Requirements For Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Discharges From The City of Long Beach, or any successor permit issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.

Multi-Benefit Project

A Project that has: (1) a Water Quality Benefit, and (2) a Water Supply Benefit or a Community Investment Benefit, or both.

Municipal Program

The part of the Safe, Clean Water Program described in Section 16.05.C. of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.


A city within the District, or the County, pertaining to unincorporated areas within the District.

Nature-Based Solution

A Project that utilizes natural processes that slow, detain, infiltrate or filter Stormwater or Urban Runoff. These methods may include relying predominantly on soils and vegetation; increasing the permeability of Impermeable Areas; protecting undeveloped mountains and floodplains; creating and restoring riparian habitat and wetlands; creating rain gardens, bioswales, and parkway basins; and enhancing soil through composting, mulching, and planting trees and vegetation, with preference for native species. Nature-Based Solutions may also be designed to provide additional benefits such as sequestering carbon, supporting biodiversity, providing shade, and improving quality of life for surrounding communities. Nature-Based Solutions include Projects that mimic natural processes, such as green streets, spreading grounds and planted areas with water storage capacity.


A parcel of real property situated within the District, as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll of the County and identified by its Assessor’s Parcel Number, and that is tributary to a receiving water identified in the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region in effect as of January 1, 2018. Parcel shall not include a possessory interest based on a private, beneficial use of government-owned real property.


A planned, coordinated group of activities related to increasing Stormwater or Urban Runoff capture or reducing Stormwater or Urban Runoff pollution in the District.


The development (including design, preparation of environmental documents, obtaining applicable regulatory permits, construction, inspection, and similar activities), operation and maintenance, of a physical structure or facility that increases Stormwater or Urban Runoff capture or reduces Stormwater or Urban Runoff pollution in the District.

Regional Oversight Committee (ROC)

A body created by the Board whose responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assessing whether the Safe, Clean Water Program purposes are being achieved.

Regional Program

The part of the Safe, Clean Water Program described in Section 16.05.D. of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

ROC Operating Guidelines

The operating guidelines for the Regional Oversight Committee described in Section 18.08.A.3 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

RWQCB Stormwater Permit

A permit other than an Industrial General Permit, issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board, governing the discharge of Stormwater or Urban Runoff.

Safe Clean Water (SCW) Program

The program established by this ordinance, including the administration of revenues from the Special Parcel Tax levied pursuant to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code, and the criteria and procedures for selecting and implementing Projects and Programs and allocating revenues among the Municipal, Regional, and District Programs.

Scientific Studies Program

The program, implemented as part of the Regional Program of the Safe, Clean Water Program, described in Section 16.05.D.3 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

Scoring Committee

A group of six (6) subject-matter experts in Water Quality Benefits, Water Supply Benefits, Nature-Based Solutions, and Community Investment Benefits created by the Board to review and score Projects and Feasibility Studies in connection with the Infrastructure Program. 

Scoring Committee Operating Guidelines

The operating guidelines for the Scoring Committee described in Section 18.07.C.3.c of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

SCW Program Goals

The goals of the Safe, Clean Water Program described in Section 18.04 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.

SCW Program Progress Report

A biennial report that summarizes all Regional Program WARPP Reports, all Municipal Program annual progress and expenditure reports, and all District Program annual reports and makes findings regarding whether and the extent to which SCW Program requirements were met and SCW Program Goals were achieved.

Special Parcel Tax

The tax described in Section 16.08 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.


A person; Municipality; citizens’ group; homeowner or other property owner; business; non-governmental organization; social justice group; health advocate; local park representative; school board member; environmental group; labor union; academic institution; neighborhood council; town council; community group; water resources agency, such as a groundwater pumper or manager, or private or public water agency; other governmental agency; or other interested party that has a direct or indirect stake in the Safe, Clean Water Program.

Standard Urban Stormwater Mitigation Plan (SUSMP)

A plan that designates best management practices that must be used in specified categories of development projects under NPDES permits,a s approved by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.


Water that originates from atmospheric moisture (rainfall or snowmelt) and falls onto land, water or other surfaces.

Stormwater Improvement

A structure or facility, or system of structures or facilities, that captures Stormwater or Urban Runoff or reduces Stormwater or Urban Runoff pollution in the District.

Stormwater Investment Plan (SIP)

A five (5) year plan developed by a Watershed Area Steering Committee that allocates funding for Projects and Programs in the Regional Program’s Infrastructure Program, Technical Resources Program, and Scientific Studies Program for the ensuing fiscal year and lays out tentative funding for four (4) subsequent years. SIPs will be approved by the Board on an annual basis.

Surface Water

Water that flows or collects on the surface of the ground.

Technical Assistance Team

A group of subject-matter experts in Stormwater and/or Urban Runoff infrastructure design, hydrology, soils, Nature-Based Solutions, green infrastructure, Stormwater and/or Urban Runoff quality, water supply, recreation, open space, community needs, and other related areas, provided by the District to assist in Infrastructure Program Project Applicants and others, as part of the Technical Resources Program.

Technical Resources Program

The program, implemented as part of the Regional Program, described in Section 16.05.D.2 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code. 

Threshold Score

A minimum score that Projects must meet or exceed in order to be eligible for Infrastructure Program funding. 

Transfer Agreement

The agreement described in Section 16.05.A.1 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code, between the District and an Infrastructure Program Project Developer or Municipality to transfer SCW Program Funds. 


The Treasurer and Tax Collector of the County of Los Angeles.

Urban Runoff

Surface Water flow that may contain, but is not composed entirely of, Stormwater, such as flow from residential, commercial, or industrial activities.

WASC Operating Guidelines

The operating guidelines for the Watershed Area Steering Committee described in Section 18.07.G.1.e of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code. 

Water Quality Benefit

A reduction in Stormwater or Urban Runoff pollution, such as improvements in the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of Stormwater or Urban Runoff in the District. Activities resulting in this benefit include, but are not limited to: infiltration or treatment of Stormwater or Urban Runoff, non-point source pollution control, and diversion of Stormwater or Urban Runoff to a sanitary sewer system.

Water Quality Credit

A credit against a Parcel’s Special Parcel Tax amount for a Stormwater Improvement that results in a Water Quality Benefit by complying with: (1) an applicable LID Ordinance, (2) applicable SUSMP requirements, (3) an applicable IGP, (4) an applicable RWQCB Stormwater Permit, or (5) and combination of the foregoing. 

Water Supply Benefit

An increase in the amount of locally available water supply, provided there is a nexus to Stormwater or Urban Runoff capture. Activities resulting in this benefit include, but are not limited to, the following: reuse and conservation practices, diversion of Stormwater or Urban Runoff to a sanitary sewer system for direct or indirect water recycling, increased groundwater replenishment or available yield, or offset of potable water use.

Water Supply Credit

A credit against a Parcel’s Special Parcel Tax amount for a Stormwater Improvement that results in a Water Supply Benefit.

Watershed Area

The regional hydrologic boundaries as depicted on maps maintained by the District for the SCW Program, that are established in consideration of topographic conditions and other factors. The SCW Program includes the following nine (9) Watershed Areas: (1) Central Santa Monica Bay; (2) Lower Los Angeles River; (3) Lower San Gabriel River; (4) North Santa Monica Bay; (5) Rio Hondo; (6) Santa Clara River; (7) South Santa Monica Bay; (8) Upper Los Angeles River; and (9) Upper San Gabriel River. 

Watershed Area Regional Program Progress (WARRP) Report

An annual report describing the progress of all Projects and Programs included in a SIP during the previous year and summarizing how the implementation of the SIP during the previous year has achieved SCW Program Goals.

Watershed Area Steering Committee

A body created by the Board, one for each Watershed Area, whose responsibilities include programming funding for the Regional Program.

Watershed Coordinator

One more more persons assigned to assist a Watershed Area Steering Committee with community and stakeholder education and engagement and to perform the other activities described in Section 18.07.D.3 of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Code.