Low Impact Development (LID)
Low Impact Development, or LID, is a design strategy using naturalistic, on-site Best Management
Practices to lessen the impacts of development on stormwater quality and quantity. The goal of LID
is to mimic the undeveloped runoff conditions of the development site with the post-development
conditions. In 2014 the County of Los Angeles revised LID requirements for development
occurring within unincorporated portions of the County. The following documents are available for download:
LID Manual
The LID Manual explains how a site designer/engineer could use a wide array of simple cost-effective
techniques that focus on site-level hydrologic control to meet Low Impact Development regulations.
The LID manual describes those techniques, provides examples and descriptions of how they work, and contains BMP fact sheets.
HydroCalc Calculator
The HydroCalc Calculator allows the site designer/engineer to calculate runoff rates and volumes from the water quality storm.
Draft 2025 LID Ordinance
The County of Los Angeles is revising the current LID Ordinance to comply with the MS4 Permit adopted on September 11, 2021.
A copy of the draft LID Ordinance is available for public review and can be found HERE.
The County is soliciting comments until February 15, 2025. Please submit comments/questions relating to the draft LID Ordinance to
Alberto Grajeda at algrajeda@pw.lacounty.gov or Shawn Tang at stang@pw.lacounty.gov.