Office Operations
Budget Unit. The Budget Unit is responsible for preparing and managing approximately $43.8M annual budget and conducting the necessary studies of short term and long range needs for the Sewer Maintenance Districts and 11 Special Zones.
Direct Assessment Unit. This unit is responsible for monitoring sewer service charges and preparing and submitting annual reports to the Board of Supervisors for over 500,000 parcels of property which are assessed annual service charges. The total annual revenues generated for the maintenance of the Districts and Zones arein excess of $40 million.
Mapping and Annexation Unit. This unit uses CAD and GIS software to maintain and generate operational maps of over 5,000 miles of sanitary sewers maintained by field crews. The unit also oversees the annexation of new parcels to the Sewer Maintenance Districts. The unit has initiated the digital scanning of existing sewer design drawings for storage in the Department's Document Management System.
Procurement Unit. This unit is responsible for processing of purchase orders for equipment and supplies and for approving invoices, and processing of utility bills for the numerous Districts facilities for payment.
Sewer Plan Check and Second Unit. Sewer Plan Check Unit is responsible for the review of gravity sanitary sewer and pump station plans and specifications prepared and submitted by professional engineers and consultants for projectsin the 42cities within the Sewer Maintenance Districts. This unit is also responsible for conducting special investigations and reviewing environmental impact reports for projects within the County.
Second Unit is responsible for determining if sewer facilities in the area are adequate to meet the demand of the second unit and all other properties served by the same facilities.
Waste Discharge Requirement Compliance Team This team is responsible for the Divisions's State General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR's) compliance activities including, Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) development, monitoring, and updating, and for Sanitary Sewer Overflows reporting and certification. The team is the liaison between the Department and the 42 cities currently served by the Districts on WDR related issues. The team also provides Data Submitting and Legally Responsible Official (LRO) services to all the cities in the District.