The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products,
activities, and services that are meant to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban
runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice" is a common term used in Federal,
State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services. Usage
of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others,
nor that the County of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should
be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers, consultants, products, or services on this list in no
way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result of the use of these products,
nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance
of these products.
Note:Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not
available at the time of publication.
- Absorbent Concret Admixture
- Aggregate Manufacturing, Open Graded
- Algae harvester and trash collector
- Allows water to penetrate through the paver itself
- Animal Waste Collection, fact sheet
- Automatic Retractable Screen
- Automobile Maintenance, Fact Sheet
- Automobile Washing, Fact Sheet
- BMP Design
- BMP Evaluation, Transportation-Related Runoff
- BMP Performance Tests, National Data Base
- BMP Performance Tests, Nationwide Summary
- BMP and Stream Monitoring
- BMP inspection, maintenance, monitoring, repair and vector (mosquito) control
- BMP, Stormwater Phase II National Menu
- Bioretention Facts and Design Guidelines
- Bioretention Planter Box
- Boom and Truck/Hopper Trash System
- Bridge and Roadway Maintenance, Fact Sheet
- Buffer Information Booklet
- Buffer Strips, Article on Architecture of Urban Streams
- Buffer Strips, Information
- Buffer Strips, Selecting and Sizing Practices
- Canopies
- Canopies and Tarps
- Catch Basin Inlet Dams, Flexible Fabric
- Catch Basin Insert w/shut-off valve
- Catch Basin Inserts
- Catch Basins Inserts
- Catch Basins, Fact Sheet
- Cleaning Equipment Sales and Rental
- Compilation of Peer-Reviewed BMPs for Gas Stations.
- Components of a model riparian buffer ordinance.
- Disinfection
- Dog Waste Disposal
- Dry Well
- Dry Well, Filtered
- Dry Well, Multi Stage
- Dry Well, Multi Stage, Enhanced
- Dry-Ice Cleaning
- Dumping Control, Fact Sheet
- Engineered soil media
- Environmental Compliance Support Services
- Erosion Control
- Erosion Control, Animal Enclosures
- Erosion Control, Modular Filters and Barriers
- Evapotranspiration data for California
- Filter Tube, Flexible Fabric
- Filtering Systems
- Filtering Systems, Performance Criteria
- Filtration, Infiltration, Green Infrastructure
- Flocculent
- Flocculent, Spray-on
- Grease trap cleanout
- Harbor and Marina Good Housekeeping Products
- High Flow Bypass System
- High pressure tank cleaning nozzle
- Industrial Cleaner, Biodegradeable
- Industrial Vacuum Cleaners
- Industrial/Commercial Good Housekeeping Products
- Infiltration, Performance Criteria
- Inflatable rubber flood barrier
- Informational Web Site
- Irrigation Management
- Irrigation System
- Irrigation System, Satellite Controlled
- Irrigation Systems
- Irrigation and Water Conservation Management
- Irrigation needs of California landscape plants
- Landscaping, Fact Sheet
- Landscaping, Low Water Usage Handbook
- Landscaping, Low Water Usage Web Site
- Microbial Drain Line and Grease Trap Maintenance
- National Network of Pollution Prevention Info. for the Service Provider Community
- Oil skimmer, Surface
- Oil skimming, Flowing Water
- Oil skimming, Still Water
- Outdoor Surface Cleaning
- Outdoor Surface Cleaning Filtration
- Outdoor Surface and Equipment Cleaning
- Passive Flow Control Valve
- Permeable Pavement Systems
- Pervious cellular lightweight conrete
- Pest Control, Fact Sheet
- Pond Aeration, Filtration, Circulation
- Pond maintenance and design by natural systems
- Pond, Performance Criteria
- Pond/Harbor/Marina Aeration, Circulation
- Porous Concrete Contractor
- Porous Concrete, Committee on Enhanced Porosity Concrete
- Porous Concrete, Manufacturing
- Porous Materials, Web Site
- Porous Pavement Contractor
- Porous Pavement Systems
- Porous Pavement, Architectural Stone
- Porous Pavement, Cast-in-Place Open Cell Concrete
- Porous Pavers, Blocks, Open Jointed and Concrete Grid Manufacturing
- Porous Pavers, Blocks, Plastic Spacers
- Porous Pavers, Concrete Grid
- Porous Pavers, Interlocking
- Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Block Manufacturing
- Porous Pavers, Open Jointed Blocks
- Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice
- Porous Pavers, Plastic Lattice, Gravel Containment
- Porous paving tiles
- Porous stone aggregate paving tiles
- Portable Equipment to Clean Trash Cans and Dispose of Waste
- Preventive maintenance, inspection, disposal
- Preventive maintenance, inspection, disposal, documentation
- Rainwater Harvesting
- Rainwater Harvesting, Detention, Infiltration
- Rainwater Harvesting, Web Site
- Restaurant Fats/Oil/Grease Recovery System
- Roll on/off concrete washout removal
- Satellite Water Demand Modeling
- Sediment Separation
- Sediment, Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation
- Septic System Controls, Fact Sheet
- Signage and Markers
- Slope Stabilizer, Spray-on
- Spill Containment and Collection
- Storage of Runoff, Underground
- Storm Drain Cleaning and Dewatering
- Storm Drain Maintenance
- Stormwater Detention/Infiltration/Rainwater HarvestinG
- Stormwater Impact Design Tools Web Site
- Stormwater Management, Technical Support
- Street and Parking Lot Cleaning, Fact Sheet
- Subsurface trash, sediment and oil removal
- Sweepers, Street, Enhanced
- Sweepers, Street, Industrial, Commercial, Enhanced
- Sweepers, Vacuum
- Synthetic Lubricant
- Technical Information for Municipalities, Water treatment
- Trash Boom, Floating
- Trash Excluder with Treatment
- Trash Excluder, Catch Basin
- Trash Sock, End of Pipe
- Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation
- Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation with Diversion System
- Trash and Gross Pollutants Separation with filtration media
- Trash excluder, Catch Basin
- Turf Engineering
- Urban Forestry Web Site
- Vegetated Roof
- Vegetated Roof, Informational Web Site
- Vegetated Roof, non-profit industry association
- Vegetated Swales, Performance Criteria
- Vegetated buffer homeowners' guide
- Watershed Issues, Technical Support and Publications
- Wetlands, Performance Criteria
- trash and gross pollutants separation
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If you are a stormwater BMP manufacturer or distributor
and would like to be added to the database, or have information to update the existing list,
please send an e-mail to the content manager or call
(626) 458-4313.