The BMP Yellow Pages are a list of proprietary and nonproprietary products,
activities, and services that are meant to improve or eliminate pollution associated with urban
runoff and stormwater. The phrase "Best Management Practice" is a common term used in Federal,
State, and local regulations to label these types of products, activities, and services. Usage
of the term does not imply that some products, activities, or services are better than others,
nor that the County of Los Angeles evaluates or decides which product, activity, or service should
be listed. The inclusion of manufacturers, consultants, products, or services on this list in no
way represents an endorsement or guarantee of effectiveness as a result of the use of these products,
nor for any compliance issues regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please contact the
vendor and follow the manufacturers' specifications for preparation, installation, and maintenance
of these products.
Note:Some listings may be missing certain entries because the information was not
available at the time of publication.
- 4U Concentrated Cleaner
- A-Jacks
- Absorbants
- Absorbents, containers
- Adhesive curb and storm drain markers
- Aerating Fountains
- Aeration Systems, Underwater
- Aqua Bric
- Aqua Filter
- Aqua Filtration Unit
- Aquacube
- Aquatic ecosystems
- Archemedies Screw Cable Boom
- Architectural Services
- Automated Landscape Mapping
- BMP maintenance services
- BMP maintenance services
- Backyard Buffers pamphlet
- Bacterra
- Baggit/Dogipot
- BayFilter
- BaySaver
- BioNet, Sediment Stop
- BioPod Biofilter
- BioStorm
- Bioremediation Services
- Bullshot
- CUDO Underground polyethylene cisterns
- Cam Debris Gate
- Canfor EcoMatrix
- Cedar cisterns
- Ceramic Based Permeable Paver
- Checker Block
- Clean Screen
- Clean Screen III
- Clearwater BMP Unit
- Coanda Screen
- Coated steel pipe
- Concrete Washout System
- Conlock I & II
- Consulting Services
- Consulting services
- Consulting, Construction, Maintenance Services
- Continuous Deflective Separator
- Copasacs Stormwater Screens
- Corporate Sponsorship
- CrystalStream
- Curb Inlet Filter, Drop Inlet Filter
- Curb Inlet, Drop Inlet Filter Inserts
- Deltalok System
- Dispoz-A-Scoop
- Doggie Dooley
- Doggie Walk Bag and Distribution Station
- Dogipot Products
- Downstream Defender
- Downstream Defender with Trash Screens
- DrainPac
- Dual Vortex Separator
- EMC Squared
- EZ Roll Grassroad Paver
- EarthGuard
- Eco Pave
- Eco Stone
- EcoBlok
- EcoMedia
- EcoRain Tank
- Ecological Paver System
- Ecostone
- End of Line Collection System
- Envibro
- Enviropave
- EquiTerr
- Evaporative Control Systems
- Filter Box
- Filterra
- FirmaPave
- First Defense with Trash Screens
- First Defense, HC and Optimum Variants
- First Flush
- Flatwork Filtration System
- Flexstorm Inlet Filter
- Flo-Well
- FloGard, FloGard Plus
- Floc Log
- Floodwall
- FreezeBlasting
- Garden Roof
- Garden Watersaver System
- Geo Block
- GeoFilters
- GeoMac, BioMac
- GeoWeb
- Geoblock
- Geofoam
- Geotex, Landlok, Geofibers, Earthscape, Fibermesh, Novocon
- Geoweb
- Goslyn GOS80
- Granular Absorbants
- GrassBlock
- GrassPave
- Grasscrete
- Grassroad Paver8 Plus
- Grassy Pavers
- Grate Inlet Skimmer Box
- Grate Inlet Skimmer Box, Curb Inlet Basket
- GravelPave
- Green Roof System
- GreenGrid System
- GreenShield System
- Greenroof-Roofscapes
- Gutterbuddy
- Helix Boom System
- Humegard
- Hydro DryScreen
- Hydro-Brake Vortex Valve
- Hydro-Cartridge
- Hydro-Flo Pavingstones
- Hydro-Skimmer
- Inceptor
- Informational Web Site
- Informational Web Site maintained by the Center for Watershed Protection
- Inlet Guard
- Insert 2400
- Jellyfish
- Liqui-Floc
- MaxWell
- Meters, Samplers and Probes
- Model Riparian Buffer Ordinance
- Modular Wetlands System
- Nanomize System
- National Pollutant Removal Performance Database for Stormwater Treatment Practices 2nd Edition
- National Stormwater BMP Data Base
- Netlon Turf Systems
- Netting TrashTrap
- Nonprofit Organization
- Nutrient Separating Baffle Box
- OARS Passive Skimmer
- OARS Smart Sponge Line Skimmer
- OCEAN-Pro Debris Gate
- OceanSafe
- Oil Absorbent Fabric
- Oloid Circulator
- Outdoor Rainfall Canopies
- Oxidation disinfection
- Ozone disinfection
- PT2000
- Pavement Installation
- Pavement Manufacturers' Association
- Peracetic Acid Treatment
- Perco-Crete
- PerkFilter
- PermaPave
- Pollution Prevention Education Network
- Pollution prevention fact sheet
- Practical Catch Basin Insert
- Practical Technology Catch Basin Insert
- Pressure Washing
- Professional Organization
- Purstream
- REMFilters
- Rain Barrel Drip Irrigation Kit
- Rain Barrel Information and Sources
- Rain Barrel Installation Pilot Program
- Rain Barrells
- Rain Barrells and Supplies
- Rain Barrels
- Rain Barrels, Cisterns, and Rainwater Harvesting Supplies
- Rain Barrels, Downspout Diverters, Gutter Brooms
- Rain Barrels, flexible plastic
- Rain Reserve Diverter Kit
- Rain Tube
- RainMaster
- RainStore
- RainTainer
- Rainwater Harvesting Contractor
- Rainwater Harvesting Supplies
- Rainwater Harvesting Tanks, Pumps and Controls, Detention and Infiltration
- Rainwater Pillow
- Rainwater Tanks
- Retail Gasoline Outlets BMP Guide, 1997
- Roof Meadow
- S.I.F.T. Filter
- SF-Rima
- SF-Rima, VS5 Eco, VS5 Drain
- STS Insert
- STS-1
- Safe Drain
- Salvage drums, pallets, tarps, funnels, cleaners, degreasers, oil booms, shelving, absorbent drum covers, magnets, drip pans
- Scanjet SC30T
- SeaCurtain
- Secondary containment, spill response and containment, erosion control
- Secondary containment, spill response and containment, roof exhaust degreaser, downspout guard, construction site desilters
- Sewer Eco-Collar
- Sewer Hog, Super Hog, Pit Panther, Grit Gator
- SiltShield
- Ski-Jump Silt and Litter Trap
- Skim Pak
- SlopeTame
- Snout
- Sopranature System
- Spectrum, Turfblock
- Stay Turf
- Storm Flo Litter Screen
- Storm-Klear Gel-Floc
- StormChamber
- StormFilter
- StormGate
- StormGate Separator
- StormPrism
- StormScape, Engineered Soil Filter
- StormScreen
- StormTek connector pipe screen/catch basin insert
- StormTrap
- StormVault
- Stormceptor
- Stormwater Design Manual Toolbox
- Stormwater Purification System
- Strata Cube
- Street Sweeper Rentals
- Street and floor sweepers
- Street sweepers
- SureFoot
- Surf Gate
- Surf-Gate
- Surface Cleaning Equipment
- Top Swing Gate
- Trash Can Washing
- Trash boom design and manufacturing
- Trident Curb Screen
- Tubular Ground Bladder
- TuffTrack
- Tufftrack Grassroad Pavers
- Turfstone
- U-1000 Industrial Vacuum
- UV Filtration
- Ultra-Dewatering Bag, -Pipe Sock, -SiltFence
- Ultra-DrainGuard, -GrateGuard, -HydroKleen
- Ultra-Urban Filters
- UltraTech CurbGuard, GrateGuard, Drainguard
- UltraTech HardTop, TrackPan
- Underground polyethylene cisterns
- Uni Eco-Stone
- Uni-green
- Up-Flo Filter EMC Ribbon Filters
- Up-Flo Filter with 285R and 450R Ribbon Filters
- Up-Flo Filter with CPZ Media
- Urban Green Biofilter
- Vacuum Sweepers
- Vegetated Riparian Buffer Information
- Vegetated Roof Industry Network
- Vegetated buffer technical article
- VortCapture
- VortFilter
- VortSentry
- Vortechs
- Waste oil and marine handling equipment
- Wastewater Filters
- Water Broom
- Water Storage Tanks
- Water-Wise Landscaping
- Watermark Irrigation Manager
- WeatherTRAK
- West Coast Storm Screen
- Wooden Pallets
- Xeripave
- Xeriscape Guide from Austin, TX
- Xeriscape Guide from Colorado Springs, CO
- test
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If you are a stormwater BMP manufacturer or distributor
and would like to be added to the database, or have information to update the existing list,
please send an e-mail to the content manager or call
(626) 458-4313.