Adventure Park Multi-Benefit Stormwater Capture Project



New infrastructure will divert and treat stormwater runoff to help improve the water quality of our rivers, channels and ocean.


Captured stormwater runoff will be diverted into a nearby sanitary sewer system for further treatment downstream and future reuse.


Installation of Low Impact Development (LID) elements with new trees and drought tolerant landscape will enhance the community space while reducing the effects of greenhouse gasses. Installation on new exercise equipment and new outfields will promote healthy lifestyles.


Educational signage will increase public awareness on sustainable development and the health of the San Gabriel River watershed.

The proposed project is located in the unincorporated County community of South Whittier and serves to improve water quality in the Coyote Creek and the San Gabriel River while enhancing the community. Project will include construction of a new drainage infrastructure to capture and treat stormwater and enhancements to the park, including drought tolerant landscaping with educational signs, new exercise equipment, walking paths and renovated ball fields.


LA County Logo Los Angeles County Flood Control District Logo Safe Clean Water

• Cal Trans
• County of Los Angeles Supervisor Janice Hahn
• County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation
• Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
• Los Angeles County Flood Control District
• Safe Clean Water

Complete Design June 2022
Advertisement and Award October 2022
Begin Construction February 2023
Complete Construction 4th Quarter 2024

Project Documents Available

Project Flyers and Public Meetings

Light Street Closure Flyer - July 18, 2024 (English/Español)

Community Flyer - March 30, 2023 (English)

Community Flyer - March 30, 2023 (Español)

Pre-Construction Flyer - December 06, 2022 (English/Español)

Community Outreach at Adventure Park - October 30, 2021 (English/Español)


Closure on Light Street to occur from Monday, July 29th to Monday, August 12th. Please see map for the affected area.

February 21, 2024

Los Angeles County Sanitation District work on Gunn Avenue is anticipated to continue through early March. For more information, please refer to LACSD’s website or reach out to Alex Manesh at

August 2, 2023

The Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) is anticipating to begin sewer repair work within the streets surrounding Adventure Park (Gunn Avenue and Light Street) in Fall 2023. Please visit the LACSD website for more information:

April 6, 2023

Construction trucks and vehicles will continue to enter and leave the site; however, there are no anticipated lane closures on Gunn Avenue. Lane closures will occur on Light Street in early 2024 and will last for approximately 30 days. (Concrete dates will be provided at a later time).

February 9, 2023

The Project began construction. Project is anticipated to be completed in late 2024.

December 7, 2022

The construction contract was awarded to Reyes Construction, Inc. and pre-construction activities are in progress. Construction is expected to begin in February 2023 and will continue for 2 years. Work will take place Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. During this construction, the youth baseball fields, restroom, walking path, exercise equipment, north parking lot and picnic areas will be closed to the public (see Pre-Construction Flyer for more details).

June 30, 2022

The Project is currently being advertised. Please visit the Public Works Business Opportunities for more details.

November 16, 2021

The Addendum to the Upper San Gabriel River Enhanced Watershed Management Program (EWMP) Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) was completed for the Adventure Park Multi-Benefit Stormwater Capture Project.


For questions on the project, please contact:
Louis Romero or Donna Tran at