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Parcel Maps

Search by Parcel Map Number (ex. 2815)

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To download the images using book and page:
From the Parcel Map table below, click on the range of numbers that your Parcel Map number is in. Then select your Parcel Map number to download.

The Parcel Map numbers listed indicate the first or cover page of the Parcel Map. Multi-page Parcel Maps are listed by the first page only. Parcel Maps with the Certificate of Corrections are included within the file where applicable.

Image Properties:
Parcel Maps are named with a leading "PM" (for Parcel Map) followed by a six digit number representing the desired Parcel Map number. (e.g. PM001-098.pdf would be for Book 001, Page 098)

Most file sizes vary from 100KB to 300KB

Click here to go to the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor's website.

For issues, questions, or comments about this application, email the administrator.