Kagel Canyon Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)

Los Angeles County Public Works is pursuing a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for three of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA's) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) in unincorporated areas and the City of Los Angeles in Kagel Canyon. The purpose of the LOMR is to more accurately identify Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) in Kagel Canyon. Public Works is pursuing a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) in Kagel Canyon to account for several factors, including updated hydrologic and topographic ("lay of the land") data, to provide more accurate Base Flood Elevations and to align Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) with the actual alignment of Kagel Canyon's main creek.

Notification letters have been sent to the affected property owners and residents to inform them of the flood zone changes mapped in Public Works' LOMR application. A community meeting for the owners and residents was held in January 2022. Here is a narrated presentation of the information provided at the meeting.

FEMA issued the LOMR on August 14, 2024. The LOMR will become effective for insurance purposes on December 27, 2024.

It is best for owners and residents to contact their insurance agent as soon as possible, especially before December 27, 2024, to obtain the best flood insurance rate.

Public Works is notifying by letter the affected property owners and residents. Public Works is holding a community meeting with the affected property owners and residents on September 19, 2024.

Below are links to the LOMR application's flood zone map and other helpful informational materials:

Flood Zone Information (includes proposed flood zone boundaries)


December 30, 2021, Kagel Canyon LOMR Notification Letter to Affected Owners and Residents

June 6, 2022, Kagel Canyon LOMR Notification Letter to Affected Owners and Residents

August 22, 2024, Kagel Canyon LOMR Notification Letter to Affected Owners and Residents

Kagel Canyon Frequently Asked Questions Sheet August 2024

For Property Owners Newly Mapped into a Higher Risk Zone:

Effective Dates of New NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

Eligibility and Exclusions for NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

Newly Mapped Discounts on NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

Standard Coverage and Deductibles for NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

Assessments, Fees, and Surcharges for NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

Dwelling Form for NFIP Flood Insurance Policies - April 2024

For Property Owners Mapped into Lesser Risk Zones:

Policy Cancellation, Refunds for NFIP Flood Insurance - April 2024


Links to useful information from Los Angeles County Public Works and FEMA

Link to City of Los Angeles Floodplain Management Web Site:

Bureau of Engineering - Clean Water Division, (213) 485-4820