Utility Facilities Undergrounding Project: County of Los Angeles, Southern California Edison (SCE) and cable television and telecommunications companies serving this area are working together on a project to place existing overhead utility lines underground in Topanga's town center.
Project Purpose: Purpose of the undergrounding project is to improve the visual look of the area and enhance the safety to the public by removing most utility poles and undergrounding utility lines in the area. Utility service lines from the main utility lines into residential and business properties can be undergrounded up to 100 feet from the road right-of-way.
Project Area: Project area will be on Topanga Canyon Blvd., from approximately 300 feet north of the Frontier Building extending south to Cuesta Cala Rd., primarily along the west side of the road. It will also extend along Old Topanga Canyon Road from Topanga Canyon Blvd. approximately 250 feet west to SCE's Topanga substation. This particular area was identified due to the high concentration of utility poles and lines in the area and the ability to maximize the project benefits for the community.
Project Funding: Project financing will come primarily from a fund allocated for County use through an SCE program approved by State utility regulators. The other involved cable television and telecommunications companies will pay their share of the project's cost. Such projects are done in high traffic areas where the project benefits of relocating utility facilities and improving aesthetics and public safety are expected to produce the best results.