
Gateway Cities Traffic Signal Synchronization and Bus Speed Improvement Project

The I-5/Telegraph Road Corridor is an LA County ITS project, which will result in arterial infrastructure improvements along Telegraph Road in the Gateway Cities Forum. The I-5/Telegraph Road Corridor consists of 277 intersections in 10 different jurisdictions, comprising 8 cities, the County and Caltrans.

The objective of this project is to design, develop and deploy traffic control systems in the corridor such that the signals along the I-5/Telegraph Road can be synchronized across the jurisdictional boundaries. This project will concentrate on the needs of the agencies in this corridor with respect to signal synchronization along the Telegraph Road and recommend improvements to field infrastructure (including controllers, loops, detectors, communications) and central traffic control systems to meet those needs.

When successfully completed, each of the agencies responsible for traffic signal operations in the I-5/Telegraph Road Corridor will have full access to a TCS that provides monitoring and control of the traffic signals under its jurisdiction. Agencies will be able to synchronize their signals with neighboring agencies and exchange traffic information in real-time. Agencies will also be able to exchange data with other agencies in the Gateway Cities region. This will allow the agencies to respond to recurrent and non-recurrent congestion in a coordinated fashion across the jurisdictional boundaries.

The project will be implemented in the following phases:

The major components of this project are: