What is a Plan Check?
Plan Check is a review of plans, drawings and documents by the Building Official for compliance with the building codes. An accurate and detailed set of plans, specifications and supporting documents is required for most construction projects. Typical projects can be reviewed during a visit to a Building and Safety office, either at the counter or by appointment for more complex projects, or electronically via the EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or at the BSOP Web Application (for contract cities). Plan check may be required before a permit can be issued.

What is a Plan Check?
Plan Check is a review of plans, drawings and documents by the Building Official for compliance with the building codes. An accurate and detailed set of plans, specifications and supporting documents is required for most construction projects. Typical projects can be reviewed during a visit to a Building and Safety office, either at the counter or by appointment for more complex projects, or electronically via the EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or at the BSOP Web Application (for contract cities). Plan check may be required before a permit can be issued.
What type of Plan Check do you need?
Drainage and Grading Plan Check
Submit two sets of plans, one set of soils report and two sets of any supplemental documents, (hydrology/hydraulic report, HydroCalc Calculator, Low Impact Development (LID), easements, deed restrictions), and pay plan check fee.
Screen Permit Application Package for Completeness -
The plan check engineer reviews all documents for compliance with the Code and when necessary corrections are noted on plans and correction sheet. Applicant notified plans ready for pick up.
Plans and Specifications Reviewed -
Applicant makes noted corrections and resubmits plans.
Plans Picked up, Corrected and Resubmitted along with Agency Approvals -
Plans are re-checked and approved.
Agency Approvals Confirmed and Plans Rechecked and Approved -
Rough Grade approval required before building permit issuance.
Project Ready for Grading Permit Issuance
Electronic Permitting and Inspections for the County of Los Angeles (EPIC-LA), is the online portal to Building and Safety Division’s electronic permitting services. On this site, you can submit plans, specifications, and supporting documents for review and approval, pay permit fees, and apply for a permit
Tell me about Drainage and Grading Plan Check
Submittal Requirements for Grading Plans
The plan check submittal process begins with completing a Grading permit application,
payment of plan check fees, and the submission of two sets of legible plans – one set of a current soils report (less
than one year old), and two sets of any supplemental documentation, (hydrology report (see HydroCalc Calculator, Low Impact Development
reports (see LID Manual), easements, and deed restrictions, etc.).
View guidelines, explanations, and details
at Publications via the
EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or
BSOP Web Application (for contract cities).
For a road map of the permitting process for grading permits on EPIC-LA, please click here
Grading Plan Review and Approval
The grading plan will be reviewed by the drainage and grading plan check engineer for completeness and compliance with applicable codes including Low Impact Development (LID) requirements.
Grading plan approval may require approvals from other agencies, (Department of Regional Planning (DRP), Geotechnical and Materials Engineering Division (GMED), Fire Department (FD), and California Coastal Commission, etc.). A complete agency referral sheet will be given to each applicant. The applicant may be required to submit additional sets of plans to the various agencies. Applicants must submit all red-marked items on referral sheets along with revised plans and documents for re-submittals.
Once the grading plan is approved and the grading permit is issued, if the proposed grading is associated with a building permit, rough grade approval is required prior to obtaining the building permit. The grading permit will not be finalized, and any bond will not be released until all permits related to the grading work are finalized by the inspector. Grading projects must comply with the following codes and manuals:
- County of Los Angeles Building Code (Title 26)
- County of Los Angeles Residential Code (Title 30)
- County of Los Angeles Green Building Standards Code (Title 31)
- County of Los Angeles Environmental Protection (Title 12)
Submittal Requirements for Building Drainage Review & Approval
Submit plans, one set at a minimum, to the local Building and Safety District Office for building drainage review or submit online via the EPIC-LA website (for unincorporated areas) or BSOP Web Application (for contract cities). Plans must show proposed scope of work and include details of existing and proposed drainage for the site. To see if compliance with Low Impact Development (LID) applies and must be shown on the plans, go to the Los Angeles County LID Standards Manual 2014.
LID Review and Approval
Low Impact Development (LID) may apply per Title 12, Environmental Protection, for both drainage plans and drainage and grading plans. If it is applicable, plans must show the required Best Management Practices (BMPs) and supporting documentation must be provided. See the Los Angeles County LID Standards Manual 2014 for guidance
For Further Information
Contact your local Building and Safety District Office and drainage and grading plan check engineer. For grading reference material and forms see: publications page and Grading Guidelines Booklet