Report Forms
Model Non-FASMA Contractor Report Form [XLSX, 27KB]
- Department Organic Waste Liaisons may customize this file to distribute appropriate tabs to different types of contracts.
- Distribute to all your department and facility contracts outside of FASMA that generate organic waste, such as green waste (landscaping debris and yard waste) and food waste (from kitchen prep and consumer waste), which may include food-soiled paper waste depending on the hauler.
- Contractor to submit completed form to their County Contract Manager on a monthly basis to account for quantities diverted and processing facilities for organic wastes as well as hauling costs incurred.
- Complete one form file for each month with aggregated information of your department’s organic waste recycling, SB1383-compliant recovered organic waste product procurement, and edible surplus food donation listing rows for every facility and each of their contracts generating organic waste.
- Department Organic Waste Liaisons are to submit completed forms by Thursday of the first full week of every month to:, with the subject line "OW Policy Report_YYYY MM-Dept Name". You may be contacted for clarification on submitted data.