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Master Plan 2022

Data-Based Methodology
Goal-Driven Framework

The LA River Master Plan is an update of the LA County 1996 LA River Master Plan.

Since 1996, several plans have been completed that reference the LA River. While it is common for infrastructure plans to exist within a similarly robust goal-driven context as this plan, there is no plan that is exactly parallel in context and scope to the LA River Master Plan. LA County and the LA River are unique. No other county in the country has as large a population, as robust a set of resources, and as much administrative capacity as LA County. Other rivers that impact as many people as the LA River are not contained within a single county and have a different character than the LA River.

This plan addresses a wide range of social and environmental aspects of the LA River, the watershed, and the communities along the river through a data driven methodology.

View of people walking along the LA River in the Elysian Valley, near river mile 26.3, the activation of the LA River Trail can bring communities closer together.
In the Elysian Valley, near river mile 26.3, the activation of the LA River Trail can bring communities closer together.
LA County Public Works, 2018.
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