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Channel Ramp
A channel habitat ramp is an entrenched box-channel modification which allows wildlife access to and exit from the box channel condition. This modification is further described in Appendix I: Design Guidelines, Chapter 5 and requires hydraulic testing and coordination with an engineer before implementation.
Since box channel segments of the river are characterized by long stretches of tall perpendicular concrete wall, this can often either exclude or trap wildlife attempting to reach the water. The benefit of the ramp is that it can allow access and support plant communities such as the coast live oak woodland, chaparral, and the southern coast live oak riparian forest.
* The wildlife species listed in these examples are potential key indicator species and are not meant to be a comprehensive list, since wildlife is found in a variety of contexts given specific site conditions.
* These profiles are not a substitute for good ecological design led by ecologists, landscape architects, and engineers. The use of biodiversity profiles while further engaging qualified ecologists and scientists in projects can help to add additional ecological data on a project-by-project basis.
OLIN, 2019