In addition to elements within the LA River right-of-way, off-channel land assets can be used for a series of projects that are essential to support the success of the LA River Master Plan. Affordable housing, cultural centers, plant nurseries, water storage, water treatment facilities, groundwater recharge spreading grounds, injection well fields, and parks are just a few of the types of elements that can exist within this category.
Given some of the limitations of what can be located within the LA River channel and right-of-way, off-channel land assets can be used for projects that are essential to the LA River Master Plan, but that cannot otherwise be located in the channel or adjacent right-of-way.
Trapezoidal Channel Cross Section
Trapezoidal Channel: Off Channel Land Assets.
OLIN, 2019.
Box Channel Cross Section
Box Channel: Off Channel Land Assets.
OLIN, 2019.
Off-channel land assets combined with in-channel and right-of-way improvements can further ensure projects are multi-benefit, addressing multiple needs.
While some land assets adjacent to the LA River channel and right-of-way are owned by LA County or other public agencies and are vacant, most parcels are in use or otherwise privately owned. Development of any off-channel land asset, regardless of ownership, should account for localized flood risk.