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The Reimagined River Mirar en español PUBLIC DRAFT Available under Resources COMMENT LOG Visitors to the SELA Arts Festival enjoy the views of the LA River along the channel. Why is the LA River concrete? What if we put trees in the channel? Answers to common questions How are we addressing equity? Thriving in Place: Equity in the LA River Master Plan

The iconic LA River

flows through a 51-mile connected public open space that is seamlessly woven together with neighboring communities.

It is an integral part of daily life in LA County—a place to enjoy the outdoors and to get across town, a place to appreciate the serene and to bring all people together, a place to celebrate a thriving urban habitat and understand infrastructure, a place to learn from the past and to shape the future.

A Goal-Driven Plan

The LA River Master Plan is organized by a series of goals, actions, and methods. Each goal represents an equally important active future priority for the LA River. These goals, which include many principles from previous or parallel planning efforts, guide policy and project development throughout the Master Plan.

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