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Frame 1: Estuary

Estuary Section

M, L, XL Sites

XS, S Sites

Spring St & De Forest Ave (RM 3.36)
De Forest / 26th (RM 2.99)
25th St & De Forest Ave (RM 2.72) 1 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
De Forest / 25th (RM 2.67)
Burnett St & De Forest Ave (RM 2.59) 2 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
23rd St & De Forest Ave (RM 2.5) 3 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
Hill St West (RM 2.36) 4 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
Hill St East (RM 2.34) 5 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
21st St & De Forest Ave (RM 2.23) 6 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
20th St & Long Beach Fwy (RM 2.12) 7 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
19th St & De Forest Ave (RM 1.98) 8 Lower LA River Revitalization Plan
19th Street (RM 1.98)
De Forest (RM 1.12)
5th St & Long Beach Fwy (RM 0.67)
South of Golden Shore RV Resort (RM 0.13)


River Miles

0.0 – 4.0

Channel Width

400 ft.

Channel Slope


More about the Estuary frame

Channel Characteristics

The channel in this frame is a leveed trapezoidal concrete cross section with a width of approximately 400 feet. The soft channel bottom with year-round water transitions at river mile 3 to a concrete bottom section with hard rip-rap sides, with a typical width of 585 feet.

Landside Right-of-Way Characteristics

This frame contains east and west facing parcels along levee, with areas that vary from approximately 15 feet to 100-150 feet wide.

Notable Features

  • Estuary (including projections for sea level rise)
  • Important bird habitat area
  • Brackish water year round
  • Present transition from river channel to soft bottom estuary at Willow Street
  • Wrigley Greenbelt from river mile 2.9 to 4.0 along the left bank
  • Santa Cruz Park, Golden Park, and Cesar Chavez Park from river mile 0.3 to 0.8 along the left bank, bisected from the river by West Shoreline Drive.
  • Shoreline Aquatic Park and the Queen Mary at river mile 0

Significant Considerations

  • This frame is in closest proximity to the ocean and Port of Long Beach, with unique site conditions for projects along the LA River.
  • Projects here are potentially subject to high amounts of salt spray and salt content in the water and soil. Material and plant selections should be able to tolerate these conditions.
  • Raised banks along the channel bottom allow for planting and should be managed as to not encourage the spread of invasive species.
  • The wide ROW parcels, year-round presence of water, and proximity to the ocean provides opportunities for the creation and enhancement of valuable coastal habitat such as wetlands and nesting grounds.
  • Sea level rise may occur in coming decades in this frame.
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