The most basic condition along any frame of the LA River should include a continuous multiuse trail, easy-to-find and welcoming access gateways, and a series of amenities for public use.
Today, ease and availability of access to trails along the LA River is highly variable. Close to 100 access points connect people to trails that serve 32 of the river’s 51 miles. Yet, only one-third of these access points have signs and only 70% connect to sidewalks.
Trapezoidal Channel Cross Section
Trapezoidal Channel: Trails and Gateways.
OLIN, 2019.
Box Channel Cross Section
Box Channel: Trails and Gateways.
OLIN, 2019.
Improving trails and access points along the LA River corridor is critical for successfully transforming the river into 51 miles of continuous open space that is universally accessible, safe, and comfortable for all. Trails and increased access can improve connectivity between communities along the river, connect people to parks, open space, and other amenities, and improve health outcomes through exercise, exposure to nature, and creating spaces for social gatherings.
The LA River trail and access gateways should be designed to be as universally accessible as possible and inclusive for all users according to the LA River Master Plan Design Guidelines. In some areas along the river, a limited right-of-way or the presence of adjacent infrastructure or private ownership pose challenges to completing the LA River trail or providing access between the river and adjacent communities.