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River Conditions Comparison Tool

This tool can be used by community members and designers to compare river conditions related to people, water, and the environment side by side in river ruler format.

Drag a title from the left side of the screen onto the grid to the right to add a ruler. Drag rulers on the right to reorder them. And drag rulers from the right side of the screen to the left to remove them.

As you mouse over the rulers, a line with the current river mile will follow your cursor. Double click to make one of the lines stay. Single click to remove one.

Available Rulers
% Relying on Groundwater
0.2% (500-Year) Frequency Discharge (cfs)
0.5% (200-Year) Frequency Discharge (cfs)
0.67% (133-Year) Frequency Discharge (cfs)
1% (100-Year) Frequency Discharge (cfs)
2% (50-Year) Frequency Discharge (cfs)
Access to Safe Parks and Playgrounds
Adjacent Landuse Composite
Adjacent Public Land (Composite)
Air Quality
Annual Chance of Exceedance
Areas Conductive to Recharge
Average Household Size
Bicycle Paths & Lanes
Brownfield Sites
Channel Structure
Channel Type
Communities Within LA County
Community Group
Community Programming Composite
Composite 1% and 0.2& LA River Flood Hazard Area
Composite Medical Facilities
Composite Schools
Composite: Critical Facilities
Composite: Critical Infrastructure
Contaminated/Cleanup Sites
County Park Standards
Design Discharge /Capacity (cfs)
Differential Temperature
Displacement Risk
Educational Attainment
Emergency Responses
EWMP/WMP Planned Projects
EWMP/WMP Storage Requirements
EWMP/WMP Storage Shortfall
Existing River Bike Path
FEMA 1% and 0.2& LA River Flood Hazard Area
Fire Severity Zones
Flow Depth
Flow Velocity
Freeway Exits
Froude Number
Fueling Station
Government Facilities
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Groundwater Basins
Groundwater Recharge
Habitat Conditions Composite
Health & Mental Health Composite
Health: Child Asthma
Health: Composite
Health: Diabetes
Health: High Blood Pressure
Health: Obesity
Health: Overweight
Historical Vegetation
Household Income
Hydraulic Design Reaches
Impact for M,L,XL Sites and PMP
In Channel Recreation
LA County Park Need
LA County Park Need Assessment Summary (2016)
LA River Composite Average Need
LA River Composite Maximum Need
LA River Master Plan Sites
LA River ROW: Channel Area
LA River ROW: Channel Width and LA River Landside Area
LA River ROW: Landside Area
LAC Park Need Assessment: Distance to Park (20%)
LAC Park Need Assessment: Park Acres Need (20%)
LAC Park Need Assessment: Population Density (60%)
LAFCD ROW Ownership
Landcover Types
LARMP Access Need
LARMP Arts & Culture Need
LARMP Ecosystems Need
LARMP Engagement and Education Need
LARMP Flood Risk Need
LARMP Housing Affordability Need
LARMP Parks Need
LARMP Water Quality Need
LARMP Water Supply Need
Liquefaction Zones & Faults
M,L,XL Sites and PMP
Maximum Temperature
Median Age
Median Home Value
Metro Bus and Rail Stops Within 1/2 Mile of Access Point
Minimum Temperature
More than 1/2 Mile to a Local Park
Municipal Services
Park Classifications
Pedestrian Bridges
People Experiencing Homelessness
Percent Homeownership
Percent Severely Rent Burdened
Percent Unemployed
Physical Infrastructure
Police, Fire, and Emergency Operations
Population Density
Private Industry
Protected Areas
Public Safety Composite
Public Transit Station
Recreation Amenity Composite
Social Vulnerability to Climate Change
State Assembly
State Senate
Stormwater Outfalls
Sunset Climate Zones
Supervisorial Districts
Total Discharge Annual Wet Weather Volume (Driest/Average/Wettest)
Total Discharge Average Annual Dry Weather Volume
Total Discharge Average Annual Dry/Wet Weather Volume
Total Discharge Average Annual Wet Weather Volume
Total/Direct LAR Watershed Drainage Area
Total/Direct LAR Watershed Drainage Area (River Right/Left)
Toxic Release and Superfund Sites
Trail & Access Points
Transmission Lines
Tsunami and Sea Level Rise
U.S. Congress
Urban Heat Island
USACE 1% and 0.2& LA River Flood Hazard Area
Vegetation Classification
Water Masters
Water Supply
Width at Top of Channel
XS, S Sites
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