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Concrete Channel

The concrete channel is a common existing condition of the LA River and features a trapezoidal or box shape channel with a low-flow channel in its center. While this condition does not support native plant communities, the concrete absorbs heat from the sun and warms the water in the channel enough to support abundant algal growth. Often water overflows the low flow channel or is intentionally spread across the channel and a mat of algae forms across the channel bottom.

This algae is a food source for many shoreline and other nesting birds, such as the great blue heron and black-necked stilt. This is especially important in the estuary area of the river near Long Beach, designated a Significant Ecological Area for bird habitat and migratory birds.

* The wildlife species listed in these examples are potential key indicator species and are not meant to be a comprehensive list, since wildlife is found in a variety of contexts given specific site conditions. * These profiles are not a substitute for good ecological design led by ecologists, landscape architects, and engineers. The use of biodiversity profiles while further engaging qualified ecologists and scientists in projects can help to add additional ecological data on a project-by-project basis.
OLIN, 2019.
Infrastructure and Urban River Typologies
Plant Communities
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