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System-Based Examples

Projects within the LA River Master Plan are site-based and frequently also part of a larger network or system.

Site-based projects are either site-specific, meaning that they are a byproduct of the conditions and needs local to a given site, or are derived from cadence. (For example, certain opportunity sites may not have had a specific high need but are well-suited to provide access and/or facilities for those using the LA River Trail.) Site-based projects may be comprised of multiple contiguous parcels.

System-based projects are also a byproduct of the needs analysis; however, they typically operate at a much larger scale. Systems can operate as linear connectors and networks or on a series of distributed sites of varying locations and scales. In some cases, system-based projects may not require an opportunity site at all, instead relying on underground interventions or taking place outside of the LA River corridor.

The site- and system-based project examples that follow are intended to demonstrate how need and opportunity can align at or across the opportunity sites identified in the Master Plan. Any future project would depend on community needs and engagement.

For more information about the site selection process and individual opportunity sites and planned major projects, refer to the sites index in Appendix II: Technical Backup Document.

The LA River Master Plan identified 43 new XS and S proposed projects in addition to 123 XS and S projects from other planning efforts. Having inventoried the conditions of existing access facilities along the LA River Trail, 42 existing access points were also recommended for improvements. M, L, and XL site-based projects include 22 proposed projects in addition to 56 planned major projects identified from other on-going planning efforts. Systems along the river, comprised of multiple projects of varying location and scale, operate together to achieve a given need. Systems can operate as linear connectors and networks or on a series of distributed sites.

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