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Concrete Terraces

Concrete terraces are a levee modification which proposes staggered concrete planters along levee walls. As with all channel modifications, these need to be closely coordinated with the project engineer and tested for its hydraulic performance before implementation. It is important that the terraces be as wide as possible to reduce the amount of heat transferred for the soil through concrete. Because of their size and strong roots, tree planting in these terraces is not feasible, and planting is limited to grasses and perennials that can withstand heat.

Some of the insect species that could be supported in this habitat include the green darner, California harvester ant, and the darkling beetle.

Biodiversity Profile section diagram with specifies listed for concrete terraces
* The wildlife species listed in these examples are potential key indicator species and are not meant to be a comprehensive list, since wildlife is found in a variety of contexts given specific site conditions. * These profiles are not a substitute for good ecological design led by ecologists, landscape architects, and engineers. The use of biodiversity profiles while further engaging qualified ecologists and scientists in projects can help to add additional ecological data on a project-by-project basis.
OLIN, 2019
Infrastructure and Urban River Typologies
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